# 6

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Laurence POV~

We run to where Sasha told us, and she was right I saw him right there. we hid behind a tree "ok guys we need to get aphmau out of there, but we need to get rid of zane and his friend" I whispered.

"ok Laurence you get Aphmau and take her to Phoenix Drop Kaitlyn and I will take out Zane and his helper" Garroth instructed 

"No Garroth Kaitlyn should take her, and I don't want Zane to take control of you again" I said 

"he makes a good point Garroth, I'll take Aphmau to Phoenix Drop, fight strong you two" she said and we both nodded we got up and went to Zane. "I knew you would come to fight me" Zane said and turned around and he had a devilish smirk on him. 

"I didn't come here to talk Little brother" Garroth said angrily and hold up the sword to his neck

"I know, but you might want to look at Aphmau" he said and I turned around and see Aphmau holding a sword to Katlyn.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER" I said angrily I held my sword and walking toward him I was breathing heavily. he was backing up and I turned into a shadow night and I was swinging and knocked him off his feet.

"Your anger, no wonder why they left you in the nether" he said smirking.

"I would never turn not again"I said and held my sword to his neck. still breathing heavily and swing my sword and cut him after a few more he's gone, and Garroth killed his friend. we ran over to Kaitlyn and Aphmau was laying on the ground but she was still breathing.

"I-I'm sorry but I had to I didn't want to hurt her" she said scared.

"It's ok Lady Kaitlyn she was under Zane's control, Question is how did he get to her" Garroth said. I picked up Aphmau Bridal style. We walk to Phoenix Drop and I changed my form on the way there. Alexis saw us from the gate and let us in and she said "What happened?" scared

"Zane, he took control of her and turned her against us, Kaitlyn had to knock her out" Garroth said, Alexis nodded and we walked in. we got to the tree house and I layed her on her bed, I moved her hair out of her face.

"Please Aphmau, I'm right here and I'll never leave you" I said and a tear rolled down my face.

Garroth POV~

"Please Aphmau, I'm right here and I'll never leave you" he said she needs him and he needs her he's better and happier with her, he protects her and makes her laugh they are better together, I know this but I'm not going to push her away there are other girls out there and there are people like Aphmau, Like Cadenza when ever I was sad she would do her best to find a way to make me smile and she's kind hearted. I let my feeling for Aphmau get to me I got us into this mess and there is a lot of people in this world and some are like Aphmau and Cadenza. Maybe...Cadenza is a girl for me Aphmau said to me that she is still single and misses me I should visit new Mateli to surprise her....

Till next Chapter~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now