# 19

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Lucinda POV~

I was with Lilith and Alice I've grown curious of Alice's eye's they aren't natural and I know they weren't her original eye color. "Alice, can I ask you something?" I said and she looked at me 

"sure Lucinda what is it?" she asked me and I proceeded with my question.

"why are your eye's purple where they always that way?" I asked and she looked at me then looked at the ground.

"it's a long story so might as well get comfortable" she said and we both sat while Lilith was sleeping and continued "after my Village was attacked and burned to a crisp I was 4 when that happened, so I was alone and sad I was in the forest next to a pond. then a Wyvern came to me it was calm, but I was still shaken up from what happened but I didn't want to be alone, so I followed it to its den it was filled with gems but I didn't touch a single one. then the wyvern stoped and sat down I sat next to it, in front of us was a bigger wyvern. the two Wyverns seemed to communicate and I stayed, they both walked out of the den but didn't go any further so I assumed they waited for me I walked to them and then they continued till they see a few animals they attacked only one, and one of the wyverns saw a skeleton and took the sword from it and gave it to me. they trained me so I could take care of myself and a year later my eyes changed to bright purple then I could understand what they're saying "we marked you as one of your own" they said "why can I hear you?" 'because when we mark you as one of our kind you could understand us, we were training you and helping you learn like what we did we don't do this normally but there was something in you that made an exception and we allowed you to our kind, you are an honorary Wyvern even of you don't have your magiks' they said and I nodded they weren't the wyverns that Aphmau could speak to there body is blue with a white face." she said and looked at me

"so they claimed you and that's what made your eyes turn to a different color and you can communicate with them" I said and she nodded "do you miss them?" I ask

"yes very much they were the closest thing I had to a family seance my Village, but they also restored my memory's of Dante, the nether just reminded me of them because those memories I had were very dim when I was on my own" she said and we heard a thud then Chad being his usual self

Laurence POV~ 

I hit the wall to see if anything would work but no. "there is no use in trying to escape Mif'wa, now you must come with. he said he unlocked my cellar and tied my hands behind me, and walked to the king. it was long but we finally got to the king. "Thank you, now Mif'wa what is your relationship with the soon to be Bride?" he asked I looked at him confused "oh you haven't heard your friend Aphmau she is going to be married to my son" he said I was shocked is she being forced? "so tell me are you her boyfriend?" he asked I nodded I didn't want to say a word

"father, what's going on?" I looked to see who I think is the prince and Aphmau she looked at me saddened I could tell she didn't want to be here or do this.

"ah, well son this Mif'wa is her lover before and we were going to execute him" he said my eyes now turned to him.

"should the execution wait?" he asked his father the king thought for a bit

"you're right, let him see his girlfriend be handed to you then executed after" the king said he bought me some time but not enough I'm afraid and he his marrying Aphmau. I need to get out of here with the others. I was brought back to my cell.

"Laurence you ok?" Aaron asked calmly I looked at him

"Aphmau is being forced to marry the prince and on their wedding day I'm being executed" I said 

"what are we going to do?" he asked I sighed

"I don't know Aaron..." I said

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now