# 20

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The King POV~

"so I see you have Alice captive" the Demon Warlock said I looked at him a bit confused he laughs devilishly "The one with the purple eyes and brown hair is Alice you can keep the others I need her" he said and disappeared I told the wolves and they nodded they went to the cellars to get her

"why do you need her?" I asked 

"she is the perfect person to control so I can take over this pathetic world, and your kingdom will be the most powerful one out of all the others" he said and we both laughed "just bring her to me and our deal is set in stone" he said

Aphmau POV~

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands "This can't be happening" I said weak "I don't want him hurt or killed I-I don't know what to do" I continued

"I bought him sometime we can think of a plan to get him out to get everyone out" he said and I looked at him

"how? we explored every option and the wedding is in 3 hours" I said and tears threaten to fall "I can't lose him I love him and I don't want him killed what can we do?" I said and tears were falling he hugged me

"I have to get ready mom will be here to get you I'll think of another plan to save your boyfriend and your other friends" he said he let me go and walked out of the room. and I was left here alone so I went to the fireplace I just wanted to think of a good memory, my thought were cut short of a nock I walked to the door and to see his mother.

"Aphmau, Again I'm sorry you're forced into this but we have to proceed with the process" she said and led me to the room and she did my hair and brought me a dress it was pretty but I never thought I was going to get married, especially by someone I didn't love. I got dressed the bridesmaids and the mom kept complimenting me about how beautiful I looked but I just looked down "Aphmau it's time" he said I sighed and put my veil down to cover my face but it was clear so you could see my face.

as I walked down the Aisle I just wanted to run, I looked over at Laurence he wasn't looked at me or anyone he was looking down I could tell he was trying to be calm and so was I. I'm now facing the Prince and he lifted my veil and held both of my hands, he was saddened so I think he didn't think of a plan. "we are gathered here today to join 2 souls-" the king was talking I didn't want to listen. "Cole do you take Aphmau to be you wife, to hold, to cherish till death do you part?" he asked 

"I-I do" he said 

"Aphmau do you-"

Laurence POV~

This can't happen, Just- Ahhhhh... I turned into a shadow night everyone was surprised Aphmau Looked at me the wolves were trying to take me out but I slashed my sword and killed them. "Now For You" I said and it sounded like I had multiple voices I walk closer to the king and he backed up eventually he fell to his death.'that was a clean kill now for the Prince' I walked closer to him and Aphmau step in between him and me. "Laurence Stop" she said like she was about to cry 'come on Kill her to you don't need her you can have immortality' the voice said but I didn't "He is not a bad person" she continued "This isn't the Laurence I know, the Laurence I know wouldn't kill the innocent" she finished I laughed

"This is just the side you have seen yet" I said and I was about to kill him but she grabbed my face and kissed me I was shocked  her lips are so soft and I melted into the kiss and we parted "Aphmau" I said

"Laurence, I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do to get out of here and- " I stoped her from talking

"Aphmau I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just couldn't stand being without you" I said and hugged her. I let her go and changed back to normal "Come on we have to get the others out" I said and she nodded and I held her hand

Alice POV~

I was in my cell playing with my fingers. then a Wolf came came down. "You Mif'wa you come with me" he said I looked at him confused he unlocked the door and I got up but he pulled me I was refusing.

"LET ME GO" I yelled but he didn't and eventually tied my hands behind my back. "LET ME GO NOW" I yelled/damned he did but he took Lilith Instead, I got angry "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER" I said and he laughed I couldn't take it anymore I turned into a shadow Knight, and killed him he fell to the ground Lilith was still in his arms Lucinda walked out and held Lilith as soon as she took her. we walked to the door and it was opened. "Lucinda get out of here I'll get our things" I sand and she nodded. I walked still in my shadow knight form to the chest with our things I grabbed mine and Lucinda stuff. I heard Aaron so I ran to his cell. "Aaron you ok?" I asked and my mind calmed

"yes I'm fine I just heard you through the walls, are you ok your in your shadow knight form" he asked

"I'm fine just stand back" I said and he did I slashed the door lock and now he could escape.

"Alice Behind you" He said and I felt a sharp pain in my back and fell to the ground and to see darkness coming fast.

Aaron POV~

I saw her fall to the ground I looked to see a wolf and I picked up her sword and killed him. I picked up Alice and she changed back to normal. I ran into Aphmau and Laurence.

"What happened?" She asked

"Alice was attacked and fell to the ground you can heal her later Aphmau but we need to get out of here" I said "Go get the others and your things well me you outside and Lucinda and Lilith are outside already just get everyone else out now" I said and they nodded and I ran outside I just hope Alice is ok maybe Lucinda can keep her stable till Aphmau get's her.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now