# 44 ~Ending~

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Alice POV~

"so do you know what cave it is in?" Garroth asked me.

"well it hidden so we most likely need to find a secret entrance" I said it's difficult to find anything in the dark. then I tripped over something. "ow" I said and I looked my foot had string or a weir wrapped around it

"you ok?" Garroth asked.

"ya but there's a trip weir" I pulled it and it opened a way to the underground. we rushed before it closed.

"ok hopefully this is where we need to be" Garroth said it was dark I looked threw my bag that I got before we left.

"there I found torches" I said and I gave Garroth one. "so what was the wish that you had in mind?" I asked.

"it was to go back when I was 'sick' at the old guards place"

"how long was that ago?" I asked.

"it was before I helped Zane try to get the powers that Aphmau has 18 years ago" he said.

"that was the time I was being chased by some wolves, so then every thing that happened now doesn't exist" I said "I'm not sure what would happen to me Lucinda restored my memories but she didn't replace them" I finished and I heard a presser plate and arrows started flying. "Garroth wait" I said and I froze the dispenser but it wont last long. I grabbed his arm and started to run. we got out of the line of fire.

"you ok?" he asked I nodded "good thinking using you powers now which way should we go?" I looked it was 2 tunnels.

"there's inscriptions in the wall" I said and looked at it. "it doesn't make any sense though"

"it's in a different language so we have to use old fashioned guessing" he said and I saw something.

"wait do you see that?" I said and he looked at it I came closer to it it was a carving of a mi'faw holding the stone. "it's the legend of the stone that's must be the inscription, the legend was about this stone and why it's down here we need to go to the left tunnel" I said and we headed there it was a dead end but I saw a button. Garroth saw it as well and pushed it there it was.

~Image on top~

"ok here goes nothing we both have to touch the stone and say the wish" I said and he nodded he put his right hand on it and so did I.

"I wish we could go back in time 18 years ago and fix everything" we both said and it started glowing white. I closed my eyes and felt an extreme amount of power rush threw and I fell to the ground. I opened my eye's and I was in the forest and heard growling.

Garroth POV~

I'm back here again. I heard a knock on my room door and heard Aphmau speak "Garroth are you ok?" she asked kindly and worried. it actuly worked.

"I'm fine right now Aphmau" I said and I opened the door to see her smile. I'm back home and everything is ok.

~The story is not over yet it's just beginning~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now