# 37

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~2 day later~

Alice POV~

we are walking in the woods and it's night now. "Alice I'm tired" Dell said and she rubbed her eye, I smiled.

"Ok we'll camp here" I said and I put up my tent and the sleeping bag for her to sleep. I started a campfire and she went to sleep. I stayed awake just to keep her safe. and I heard a twig snap. I got on my feet and and drawn my sword out. I felt a dark presence. I know where he or she is and I used my Ice majiks to freeze there feet to the ground I got closer to it and I froze two men to the ground.

"Alice what's going on?" I look behind me and it was Dell.

"It's ok Dell i'll protect you" I said and turned to them "What are you doing here I know you're a shadow knight" I said

"so are you and we are looking for her" he said calmly.

"why so you can take to the nether?" I said

"no, I'm taking her back to the parent's they're worried about her" he said and I could tell he wasn't lying.

"what about your friend?" I said

"Aaron is fine can you unfreeze us and stay with you for the night?" he asked and I nodded I unfreeze them and walked back to the camp. "I'm Laurence" he said

"I'm Alice" I said and he nodded I don't know why but the name Laurence and Aaron seem familiar and they look familiar too.

"we we're looking for a girl named Alice she disappeared 3 years ago, we think she's gone for good" the Guy named Aaron said and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry that happened you guys should get some rest" I said and they nodded and slept on the ground.

~next day~

I woke up Laurence, Dell, and Aaron are still asleep. I was always a light sleeper. but they got up shortly after. "Hey" was all is said.

"can you come with me?" Dell asked

"why why don't you" laurence said.

"I don't know I've been doing fine passing through a village" I said and he understood. "I'll think about it" I said and Dell smiled.

"ok well Phonenox Drop, Scalsewind, and New Mateli know where we are just say you're a friend of ours there bring you back to our village, I've got to get back to my family" he said and dell was super happy.

"I can't wait to see my best friend Lilith again, and my mommy and Daddy" she said happily. and Aaron picked her up and they walked away. I don't know why I feel like I know them but I don't at the same time. I just woke up in the woods with no memory of anything all I remember is that I was running away from my village when It was under attack.

Laurence POV~

we were walking and all I could think about was getting back home to Aphmau. "I'm glad my sister has someone who cares for her" Aaron said and I smiled.

"she means everything to me I love her" I said and he smiled.

"I miss my mommy" Dell said.

"I bet you do, so what happened?" I asked.

"I was playing and a girl with purple hair and cat ears and tail took me away when mommy was with Lady Apmoo, she took me to the portal and then she sold me to the bandits, but I ran away they don't know where I'm at and Alice found me and she said she will help me find mommy and daddy" she said and it was cute that she don't know how to say Aphmau.

"well you'll see you mom don't worry, and she miss you too" Aaron said and Dell smiled.

Aphmau POV~

"I miss him" I said and Travis spoke.

"I know you do I don't know what I would do without Isabell" he said and I smiled.

"I still don't believe that you and Isabell got together" I said and he smiled.

"ya, and we know why she isn't feeling well she pregnant" he said and I was surprised.

"congratulations, do you know what gender it is?" I asked

"there both boys" he said and I'm happy for him. "Don't worry Laurence is strong and so is Aaron there going to be fine Aph" he said and I relaxed a bit.

"Mommy can you come play with us?" Lilith asked with hopeful eyes.

"I'm sorry sweety but I got to see how everyone else is doing" I said and she was sad.

"I could do that for you Aphmau go play with you kids" Travis said and she hugged him and I got up and walked with her upstairs. the communication Amulet was glowing. 'Aphmau, we found Dell and were coming home in 2 or 3 days' Aaron said and I smiled.

"thank you for telling me Aaron, can I speak with Laurence the kids miss him" I said and waited. 'hey Love how are Lilith and Sofia?' he asked kindly.

"they're fine they want to talk to you" I said and I gave the amulet to Lilith.

"Hi Daddy" she said happily and I smiled. 'hey prinsses how are you?'

"I'm good I'm playing with mommy and sister, when will you come home?" she asked and Sophia walked to her. 'I'm coming home soon don't worry' he said and Lilith relaxed a bit she and him are really close.

"I hear daddy's voice but I don't see him" Sophia said and I laughed. 'hi Sophia' Laurence said I could tell he laughing a bit.

"why are you in the amulet, are you ok" Sophia asked and Laurence laughed 'I'm not in the amulet sweet pea, i'm talking threw it and I'm fine' he said.

"can I have the amulet back Lilith?" I asked and she gave it to me. 'how's everyone?' he asked.

"Travis is letting me spend time with the kids so he asking around" I said 'ok well I'll see you when I get home love you'

"I love you to, girls say bye to dad" I said.

"bye Daddy, we Love you" they said at the same time and he chuckled a bit 'love you both to' he said and the amulet stop glowing, and I went on playing with them.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now