# 26

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~This is a Picture I drew of Alice with her Wyvern wings I did my best to create her so you know what she looks like and her cloths. it's hard to see but she has gloves it's hard to see but there there~

Aphmau POV~

I woke up and see the Laurence is still asleep. I carefully get out of bed and not to wake him up. then changed into a gray shirt and beige shorts with brown boots. "good morning love" he said.

"good morning did I wake you? I asked him he shook his head. "I'm going to get something to eat I'll see you down stairs and save him a kiss and he grabbed me by the waist and laid me on the bed and started tickling me. I couldn't stop laughing "L-Laur-ence P-Please, have mercy" I said in between laughs. he stops and smiles at me he helps me up.

"ok you go get something to eat I'll meet you downstairs when I'm done getting dressed" he said and kissed me and I walked out the room and closed the door and went down stairs to get some food. there was an old lady in the kitchen. "do you need any help?" I ask her

"oh thank you dear" she said and I walked in the kitchen and helped her make some food and got to know her a bit.

"Aphmau hey" I look and see Garroth "how are you?"

"hey Garroth, I've been good and I'm happy that you and Cadenza are getting married" I said

"ya, I'm pretty excited I heard that you and Laurence got together" he said smiling

"did Cadenza tell you" I asked

"ya but she asked me if you you like to be one of her maid of honor and Laurence to be best man" he asked.

"I would love to but you have to ask Laurence as well, and I have to tell Aaron that were going to be here a bit longer for those reasons"

"well I accept Garroth I would not want to miss my sisters wedding" I look to see Laurence they bro hugged.

"ok I'll just tell Aaron you guys catch up" I said

Aaron POV~

"ugg my head" I look to see Alice is awake and the blue scales are gone. and the Communication Amulet started to glow. 'Hello Aaron are you there?'
"I'm here why what's wrong?" I asked
'Aaron everything is fine we are just going to be a while longer for Cadenza's wedding, how is Alice?' she asked concerned
"she just woke up I don't know yet" I said
'ok talk to you later Aaron' she said and it stop glowing

"Alice are you ok? your blue scales are gone" I asked concerned

"I had blue scales? did I have any strands of white hair?" she asked

"no why?" I asked confused

"it's a thing that happens if I use to much of my energy I didn't use much if it was only a few spots, It's complicated" she said and sat up.

"hey Aaron" I look to see Dimitri and he looked over at Alice. "are you my Dad's sister, Alice?" he asked her.

"If your Dad's Dante yes why do you ask?" she said confused

"why do you have wings and what happened?" he asked

~when she's done explaining~

"wow your really cool can you teach me anything?" he asked hopefuly

"I don't know but I can show you a cool view of the island" she said and he smiled she got up and took his hand. "hold on" she said and flew up.

"WOW THIS IS REALLY COOL" he said and I smiled.

Aphmau POV~

there's gotta be something to do. I thought "hey Aphmau, let's go do something together" Laurence said we really haven't got much time alone so I nodded and he took my hand.

"where are we going" I asked kindly.

"I have something planed and it's a great view" he said and we started to run. then we stoped it was a picnic near the sore but not on it. we sat down on the blanket, and started eating. 

"look at sunset it's breathtaking" I said as I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"just like you" he said and I smiled. we finished eating and we started to goof around near the water. and I feel in so did he, we were splashing each other then he went underwater I looked around for him and I felt hands around me. I turned around to see Laurence and he kissed me passionately and we parted. "Let's get out of the water" he said and we swam to shore, and walked to the inn soaking wet. the lady gave each a towel and we headed up to our room. I went to the bathroom to change, I changed my bra and underwear, then I put on shorts and a plain purple shirt. I walked out and hugged Laurence from behind. "You look cute" he said and I smiled

"thanks and you look hot" I said and he picked me up and spun me around and we both fall on the bed Laughing. he started kissing me softly and things got a bit heated.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now