# 21

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Aphmau POV~

we all got out of the castle and we met everyone outside "I stabled her but it's not going to last for ever, Aphmau you need to heal her now" Lucinda said and I nodded Aaron set her down and had her back against a tree. I took her hand and put both of my hands on hers. everyone was silent and I focused and pleaded she would be ok for Dante's sake. a flash of white came and left. I looked at her and she saw breathing normally her eye's are still closed. "she fine, is she just asleep?" I asked

"yes she just sleeping probably to regain her strength Aaron can you carry her?" Lucinda asked and we nodded.

"where are we?" Kaytlen asked.

"well this Island is different than the one we settled on so we need to find where we are before we can go back" Laurence said

"or I could just teleport us all back I have the coordinates of our camp" Lucinda said and I giggled she took out her staf and teleport us to the island.

Aaron POV~

I walked to one of the tents and put her down. I was about to leave but I could hear her move and she fluttered her eyes open and I see her bright purple eyes. she looked around and then her eyes met mine. "A-Aaron what happened?" she asked

"one of the wolves struck you with their sword and you fell limp, I carried you to Lucinda to stabilise you then Aphmau healed you, then Lucinda teleported everyone here" I said and she sat up.

"so that wasn't a dream, is Lilith ok?" she asked

"she fine Aphmau is taking care of her at the moment" I said and I could here chad in the distance.

"well I know Chad is fine" she said and we both laughed.

Laurence POV~

"hey Aphmau" I said and walked over to her.

"Hey Laurence you ok?" she asked worried

"I'm fine how is she though" I asked and Lilith raised her arms at me so Aphmau gave me Lilith. I smiled and so did Lilith her eyes are so calm and filled with happiness.

"she seems to like you" Aphmau said and smiled Lilith seemed to be excited. Aphmau tickled her lightly and we were both laughing.

"you guys seem like a real family" I looked to see Lucinda smirking. me and Aphmau blushed a bit. "it's good that she at least a father figure" she continued and looked at Aphmau "and Aphmau I created a way to teleport to Phenix Drop" and Aphmau's eyes lit up.

"that's great Lucinda" she said happily

"and you can tell Levin and Malachi that they have a baby sister" Alice said as I place her in her crib.

"well I want them so see for themselves I'll show her to them next time I go to Phoenix Drop" Aphmau said and Lucinda and Aphmau walked away While talking to her. "so I'm going to build a house anyone want to help?"

"I will" Travis said we walked to a good spot to start.

Alice POV~

"Your not going to help?" I asked Aaron.

"no, I'm going to keep watch Lilith, what about you?" he asked

"no, I'm just going to cheack on supplies, Kaytlen, Isabell (forgot to mention her in the past few chapters sorry) you want to help me?" I asked and they nodded.

"I'll go set up a farm small farm" I hear Vlayd say and I don't know where Chad went.

~After a Few hours~

I hear footsteps coming to me I looked over to see Aphmau and she doesn't have cat ears of a tail no more. "Hey Lucinda gave me a few potions to turn us to normal" she said threw us it and we turned normal.

"well tell Lucinda that I said thank you, and I/m going to cheack on Celesta and Thorgina" I said and walked to where they are napping. they are so cute when they are asleep, and I hear a tree fall. "They're at it again" and we all laughed.

Aphmau POV~

"well I should go check on them you guys want to come with?" I asked

"I will" Isabell said

"not me I'm going to stay here and check on supplies, by the way we're running low on food" I nodded

"well I heard Vlyd is starting on a small farm, and I'm going to explore the island a bit more and find Chad" Alice said and grabbed her sword and walked away.

"well come on Isabell" I said and walked to where the boys are me and Isabell are hiding and watching them attempt to make a house which was funny. I was talking to Isabell

"you ladies take forever to pounce" I hear travis say 

"don't do that Travis, we are just enjoying the show" I say smirking

"see what did I tell you Laurence"

"of Idiots" I finished and Travis was confused me and Isabell were Laughing. "This is your 7th attempt to build a house" I said

"what we worked very hard to build this...thing" Laurence said and I was trying to hold in my laughter.

"Laurence, this door does not couldn't fit anyone" I said and Laurence looked down and smiled

"alright I give" he said

"well I don't think we can do this on our own, and I have a way to get the cat ears and tail off Lucinda gave me a position" I said and throw the bottle down and they went away. and I hear Voices in the distance. I walked to the voices and it was Chad Alice, Alice looked at me and mouthed help me. "Chad, why did you run off?" I asked he looked at me and came close I backed but a bit and the process repeated

"well, as soon as I got teleported I wanted to explore this island and to learn more about it" he said

"Chad I think you should go back to camp and rest you seem tired" I said.

"how could  I rest when there's exploring to do" he said and ran off I looked at Alice and we both laughed.

"what was he bugging you about?" I asked her

"my eyes, they arnt natural nor my original color" she said

"why, what's your original color?" I asked

"I can't remember my original eye color, and long story short I was raised by Wyvern's for a year and they marked me as one of their own and I could speak to them, the Wyvern's I was raised by have a blue body and a white face, they became extinct but my eyes are still the same." she said I nodded and smiled. "Wyvern's keep their young to teach them for a year then they are left on their own to learn, they also said they don't do that but I was special, my mark never left" she said and lifted up her right sleeve and on her shoulder was a Wyvern head and writing that I could understand 'A strong heart and a pure soul, you shall keep on going and carry our song' was what it said.

"Aphmau, what does it say?" I hear Laurence asked and Alice pulled her sleeve down

"it said A strong heart and a pure soul, you shall keep on going and carry our song" I said

"so I'm guessing you heard what I said?" Alice asked and he nodded

"even me" I hear Travis say.

"well I have to go back to Phoenix Drop" I say

"Aphmau can I come with you, I want to see Dante" alice asked I nodded and we walked to where Lucinda is and we Teleported to Phoenix Drop.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now