I'm a human girl in the Candy world, life is sweetastic ITS FANTASTIC!!!!

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Yuu's PoV

It's sooooo boring. After The review of what-so-ever Iruka dismissed us, but before he could let me - I mean - us take a step out of the door, he stopped us.

"Now, remember your graduation test is tomorrow, so you should- "

"blah, blah, blah, Review the jutsu, blah, blah, blah , We get it sensei ! Now let us get out of this hell ho- i mean Academy " i growled.

Iruka just move out of the way, just  the right distance for me to run out.

" SO LONG SUCKAASSS!!!" I shouted as I race down to the village.

As I stopped nowhere, I randomly walk to the candy store, and WOW ! It looks like a Candy land ! It got gingerbread man, GIGANTIC Peppermint Lollipop, a 20 feet long Chu chu train made out of dark chocolate circling around the whole place, AND UNLIMITED CANDIES OF ALL KIND OF FLAVOR COMES OUT OUT OF THE FOUNTAIN!!!


I unknowingly drooled slightly wetting the tiles of the floor, I quickly wiped it and jump into the jump house full of candies. As if this is the last day of having the best day of my life, i shoved in all the candies into my mouth not caring if that there's still wrappers wrapped around the candies.

" oh my, look what we have here . " a sweet tone of the old lady walked out of her office room thingy. She adjusted her eyeglasses before walks towards me, she bent her back slowly so she'll won't break her back.

" what a beautiful young lady! What are you doing here? I remember that i put the close sign in front of the glass door and the glass windows. " The old lady said
As she help me up.

" Oh dear, shouldn't you should be home at this hour, you parents or your guardian might be worried sick if you don't go now !" The old lady exclaimed worriedly.

" It's Ok ma'am, I neither have A parent nor a guardian, I live by myself " i reassured her. Geez old people this days, worried to much about the other people.

The old lady gasp, she held my hand tightly and look pitiful at me.

I hate those looks, it disgusts me! I'm a not Helpless kid ! I'm a independent woman!

" Oh Dear! Come, Come in ! I'll makes some hot chocolate with marshmallows in it and a comfy warm blanket for you! Come on. " the old lady literally dragged me in, made me a hot chocolate with marshmallows in it, and a comfy warm blanket wrapped around me and let me sat on a soft bouncy couch in front of the fireplace while the S'mores automatically cooking on top of the fire.

The old lady walk in to the room with cookies and milk in her hand.

Christmas much....

" Dear, Would like to have some cookies and milk ?" The old lady ask.

" that would be lovely ma'am" I replied. Wow déjà vu much.

The old lady gave me the cookies and milk, she placed it beside me.

" Dear, where are your parents?" The old lady ask me as she pour herself a hot, sweet-free ( if that even exist) chocolate into her mug.

" they're dead" I answered monotonously while sipping my hot chocolate with marshmallows in it.

Mmmmmm..... Marshmallows......

The old lady was shocked that she heard that my parents died a long time ago.

" Oh My! You so young ! How could they just left their precious daughter in this cruel world " the old lady said while sadly shake her head.

Well, actually I killed them for treating poorly my Dolly and I for my whole childhood, so why not ?

And of course i did NOT replied
that. That'll be rude.

" do you have a place to stay ?" The old lady ask.

" yeah... I live by myself..."

" oh dear... Would you like to live with me ? " the old lady offered me.... To ..... Stay.... With her..?

My eyes started to get watery, force myself not to cried in front of the old lady.

Must.... Not.... Cry.....

" UWAAAAAAA!!!" The waterfall bursted.

I cried my eyes out in front of her.

" UWAAAAAAAa!!!  AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO LIVE WITH YOU BUT I CANT UWAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I cried. The old lady pulled me into a comforting warm hug. I sobbed in her shoulder, wetting her clothes.

" Now, now, cry it out..." The old lady coed me.

I kept crying until I stopped. 

" hey ma'am.... What's your name ?"

"Sawako Hikari"

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