Rabbit stew!!!!

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Yuu's POV

"HAH! RIGHT THERE!" Naruto exclaimed, he threw his kunai knife toward a random busses.

"Naruto, stop throwing the kunais randomly. It's expensive you know. " Kakashi said boredly as he kept his eyes on the books. Fumed, Sakura punched Naruto on his head.

"NARUTO!!!! STOP WASTING KUNAIS!" Sakura screeched.

"YEAH! YOU ALMOST MADE ME HAVE A HEART ATTACK!" Tazuna added. Naruto merely rubbed his injured head.

"I SWEAR I HEARD SOMETHING TOWARD THAT BUSHES, BELIEVE IT" Naruto objected but only to be punched by Sakura again.

"Hey Naruto." I called, Naruto looked at me, "I believed you..." His face brightened.

"....I believed you need to go a your physician for an ear check up." I deadpanned, Naruto anime-fall.


"YUU-CHAAAN!!!" Naruto anime cried.

I continued ignoring him.

man that was so cool with the John Cena meme background music.

'Rustle, rustle' 'rustle, rustle'

My eyes narrowed at the specific location, I clutched my kunai and throw if toward the bushes.

"NOT YOU TOO-" I covered Sakura's mouth with my hand.

"Shh.." I hissed, slowly I walked toward the bush and pushed away all those leaves to see a shaken rabbit .... Wait a rabbit?

"HEY GUYS! I THINK I JUST WON A JACKPOT!" I grinned, I picked up the rabbit by it's ear," TONIGHT WE'RE GONNA HAVE A RABBIT STEW-"  Sakura snatched away the rabbit from my hand.

"Oh you poor little thing, is Naruto and Yuu scaring you away?" Sakura cooed, "oh yes you are, yes you are~"

Naruto pouted, "why can't Sakura-chan do that to me--" Sakura punched Naruto in the face.

" IN YOUR DREAM! AS IF I WOULD DO THAT TO YOU! Isn't that right Sasuke-kun, Shiro-chan?" Sakura batted her eye lashes at Sasuke. I raised an eye brow at her.

"Who the hell is shiro-" Kakashi pushed me down along with others.


A huge, large , something that looks like a butter knife coming toward our direction. It latches itself on the tree. A man in pajama pants jumped down on the sword standing in a different direction.

I rolled my eyes on him," who the hell wears pajama pants in the middle of summer ?" I asked sarcastically.

"On the matter of fact, I do." He stated amusedly.

Kakashi stood up, "Zabuza Momochi, the demon of the mist, S-ranked rogue ninja." Kakashi stated. Zabuza looks amused.

"Ah, Kakashi of the sharingan. What a pleasure, now if you don't mind, give me that old man.... And the rabbit."  Zabuza said.

"I'll give you the old man if you give me the rabbit. "

"YUU, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! " Sakura exclaimed.

"What? Do you wanna get starved?" I retorted.

"Umm..." Zabuza looked behind me. " no, you can not. Now give me the damn old man and the rabbit. "

"Tsk, I really wanted to eat rabbit stew. " i muttered.

"NARUTO, SASUKE, SAKURA, YUU, MANJU POSITION!" Kakashi called. We immigrated surrounded Tazuna.

"I never thought I'm gonna use this..." Kakashi said as he slowly lifted his forehead protector.

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