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People started to flooding into The dorm area of the Temple. as expected, The time limit is almost up, just another four more hours then The second phase exam is officially over. But people like first comers, such as us, Have a lot of free time to spend on what ever They wanted to do, such as pranking, in our case. You know what They say, 'Birds early rise, Got worms to eat'.

speaking of pranking, We just put a lot of ghost peppers into Shiro's curry rice just a moment ago. Shiro walked into the kitchen, completely oblivious of The situation. He got himself a helping of seemingly overly ordinary curry rice, that was currently placed right before his eyes.

his favorite.

And Tenshi knew it.

Shiro settled himself down onto a wooden chair, and grabbed the spoon Which was placed next to a plate of curry rice. he scooped up a Good amount of curry and the rice and thrust it into his mouth.

Then We waited.

We suddenly heard a coughing sound coming from him.

"H-HOT!" he coughed out, his eyes were pricked with tears, his breath are shallow. We giggled behind the counter, watching him suffer from the spicyness of ghost pepper infused curry rice. But luck wasn't on OUR side right now, Because he heard our giggles, he stood up and looked behind the counter.

His already reddened face turned into a shade darker.

"BAKABANE! GAKIYUU-!" We immediately escaped from his angry clutches by climbing through The air vent. Again.

"Man, It's So fun to see him in rage. I should really join you in Your scheme."

"Ku-fu~ partner in crime aren't you~?" Tenshi mused.


We arrived to the suprisingly huge area that appeared in The middle of nowhere (still inside the temple). And groups of people started to pouring in. Some were battered, Some were refreshed, while some were down right bored from doing The task of nothingness.

The teams fall into their respective line, except me I'm on solo.

I suppose It's a closing ceremony of Some kind since the teams, the teams who managed to survive, were all gathered here in the same room with the crazy lady and The others.

But seriously, what's The point of waiting? who are We even waiting for-?


-oh, them. Naruto and company. And Harry Potter The old Man with Ninja info cards at his disposal. and They looked like They had been to hell and back. Fancy.

I walked toward them and greeted them with a 'yo' and a wave. I took in their appearance. and boy, don't They look So cranky and dirty. They left to their own respective position except Sakura. She looks dazed, and troubled.

"Sakura, what happened to your hair?" I raised an eye brow at her appearance, especially at her now choppy and muddy hair that she spent So much time to clean it with designer's shampoos. I thought she said that she was too fab to cut her hair, and it was a way to express her love for her 'Sasuke-kun'.

who the hell would grow their hair out just to gain attention the of someone's?

oh, right Sasuke's fangirls. how could I forget that.

"I think long hair is quite a hassle to handle...." she gave me a strained smiled, I noted that she Got a split on her lips. Sizing her up, I just noticed how beat up she is. She Got bruises and cuts littered all over her body, and The most prominent one was on her face. she most likely sustained huge blow just to receive a black eye, I mean look at The size of it! It's bigger than My fist!

"You had a haircut in That creepy forest?!" I inquired curiously, she just gave me a one last strained smile that Literally screamed 'I'M-So-Physically-Mentally- Emotionally-tired-PLEASE-leave-me'. I stepped aside, and let her walk pass me. I watched her approached Sasuke and talk about something that I couldn't hear from this range. I saw Sakura placing her hand onto Sasuke's shoulder, her expression was somewhat worried, concerned and pained I think, she said something that I yet again can't hear of it. Then Sasuke not So kindly removed her hand from his shoulder, saying something along The lines of 'I'm fine. I don't need Your concern.'

Man, I need to award myself for understanding duck language. No more difficulties, no more Language barrier anymore, Sasuke. No more.

"You looked like you're proud of something." Tenshi mused.

"I'm proud of myself for understanding The duck Language." I stated proudly, nodding at My triumph. Tenshi just laughed and ruffled My hair while congratulating me about My success on understanding one of The hardest languages to learn. After giving me one last pat on The back, he skipped back to his team. With Shinko waving cheerfully at him and Shiro glaring dagger at Tenshi and I.

But thinking back at it, Sasuke seems more paler than usual. I could even mistaken him for a ghost that came back from The dead just to hunt me for The rest of My life. But really, I mean look how pale he is! I could see The bones through his skin! and his skin was caked with dried blood and dirts. Then I realized, All three of them were caked with dried blood and dirts. and They looked exhausted, and dead.

well Naruto's an exception, he's practically beaming with sun rays right now. Completely clueless of everything that revolves around him.

I tore My eyes away from them and looked at The mysterious presence appeared beside me.

"Did They went to The Inferno with Dante?" He looked at me with his only visible eye. Then he shrugged.

"You could say that." And that was his half hearted reply. Geez, what do I take him for. His only sole reason for his existence in this world was to Wait for the So-called author to publish a new volume of his favorite novel just to add to his shelves of collections. And also, I feel ticked by his reply.

"You're no help!"

"I appreciate Your feedback." He gave me his famous close eyed smile. Well I can say that Kakashi-sensei's eye shows more emotions that Sasuke can ever make with his stuck up face. And who The heck Did he think I am?! an eight year old brat in Chunin exam?!

oh yeah, kept on forgeting The fact that I'm an eight year old.

"Hmp!" I huffed, turning away from that lazy and depressing adult. Who ever promoted him to Jonin Must be an idiot! Just look at his posture! And his lack of motivation to do something productive instead of leaning on a stained wall, reading his novel without care of his surrounding. Look at how he flipped The page, even his actions are lazy!

he needs to find a girlfriend, or he'll be lonely and depress for The rest of his life. and probably do something productive.

"....- WE WILL NOW COMMENCE THE PRELIMINARY!" I furrowed My eye brow in confusion.

"What?" I uttured shamelessly, confused of this sudden turn of event.  I turned to Kakashi-sensei for a an explanation, he just shrugged at me and returned his attention to his beloved novel. Yeah, I know you love me too. note The sarcasm.

This time I turned to the Hokage making sure that My face displayed with a 'what The hell is GOING on?!' expression. He just pinched The bridge of nose and sighed. he Then proceed to explain everything to me. Nodding at The new information that was given to me on why We will have a preliminary. After that We were told to move up to The higher level that suddenly appeared somewhere from The wall. We climbed The rusty stair case to The platform and waited for our name to show on The screen. Huh, guess I was wrong about technologies doesn't exist in The temple.


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