way to go

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"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT --- let me get this straight. "I rubbed my temple. "You, had entered us, to the chunnin goddamn exam, without. our.freaking. permission."I spat out each and every syllables of my sentence and glared daggers at him.

"This is outrageous" "---Awsome!" Me and Naruto spoke at the same time, except that he's positively agree to that promotion. I turned to looked at him with a 'what-in-the-nine-circle-of-inferno-did-you-just-said' face.

"You just had to- Ugh!" I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance.

To think that Kakashi- McFreaking -sensei had nominated us, the freshly baked rookies that just got out of the academy like somewhat few months ago, to the Chunnin exam.

The. Chunnin. Exam.

I'm not even sure that we'll make it through the finals or not. But on the contrary, Naruto and Sasuke's basically a powerhouse, we could always throw them into the front line while I run away from any sort of troubles.

What could possibly go wrong?!

Right, I won't make it far enough to escape from the team. Fair enough.

"Aw Yeah! We're totally gonna enter the chunnin exam! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed, he pointed at Sasuke.

"I'm gonna show you who's the boss alright!" He declared, Sasuke scowl at him.

"As if." Sasuke glared at him after voicing out his short reply. I immediately pushed them away from each other.

"Just so you know I'm the Boss of this team. " I grinned smugly at them before glaring at my sensei. "Listen up Scarecrow, I'm going to let you of the hook this time. If you ever tried to do something as stupid as that. " I put my right thumb in front of my neck and dragged to the right side. "That's what'll happen to you. " I said.

He looked at me unfazed, "Riiiighht." He nodded nonchalantly before returning his attention to the remaining three gennins. "Well, it's up to you to decide whether if you wanted to join or not." He closed-eye-smile at them, "Well nothing else left, You can have The rest of the day off." With that he went poofed.

"So...." Sakura trailed, "Sasuke-kun, do you want to have a date-" she slumped defeated when she noticed that Sasuke instead of standing beside her, he walked away from the red bridge to 'train by himself so he can achieve his so-called-ambition'.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan! I'll have a date with you!" Naruto exclaimed but Sakura immediately declined and went on an adventure to search for ' her beloved Sasuke-kun', leaving Naruto dejected on the sideline.

"Don't worry Naruto, there are a lot of fish in the sea." I comforted him, patting his back.

"How is that going to make me okay?" He sobbed, I retreated my arms before his snot are starting to get on me.


I walked out of the civilian market street after buying armful of household materials and a pack of dangos dangling from my mouth. I was about to arrive to my apartment complex then I was caught off guard when somebody grabbed by my waist and threw me into the sky. Whilst leaving my things unattended on the ground in front of my apartment.

I quickly recovered previous attack from him in the mid air and landed on top of the roof. I took my kunai out and swiftly blocked the incoming attack, knocking way the hooded man's tantos. He charged towards me and lifted his leg up to kick my torso, I jumped up just in time for me kick his face away from my body, creating a distance between us.

"Not bad, I must say." The man said rubbing his cheek to ease the pain. I merely growled at him.

"Get lost old man!"I shouted at him, "Can't you see that I'm busy. " I added with a scowl on my face.

"Hmp, feisty little brat. Think you're all high mighty and all." He charged at me again with tantos in his hands. I simply grumbled under my breath and drew my other kunai out to clash with the tantos.

'Cling' and 'clang' sound filled through out the battle. Our metallic weapons meet each time creating a large blow of sparks. I took out some shuriken and threw at him as a distraction, he dodge them and send a kick to my stomach. Knocking the air out of my lungs

Then I turn into a log.

He looked like he was scared out of his wits after he saw 'me' (the log) was kicked too far away. I took the opportunity to appear behind him and dropped an axe kick onto his head, then crouched down to upper kick his chin. K.O.-ing him instantly.

"HAHA! Look at what I did." I said arrogantly, "I'll just take you to the Hokage mansion and receive an award for apprehending you! Now where did I put my handcuff..." I tried to find my spare handcuff that I always kept with me, by the time I found it

That imbecile was gone.


-With the man-

After the utter defeat, hooded man ran into the alley way to escape from the scene. Granted, there was a ninja leaning on the wall with a book in his possession.

"So, how did it go." The nin asked, flipping a page.

"They are more than qualified." The hooded man announced and dropped his henge, revealing his brown hair tied into a high pony tail. He has a scar ran across his nose. "I suppose they are ready to take the chunnin exam. " he nodded in approval.

The nin placed his hand on the other man, "Guess you worried over nothing. It'll be fine, Iruka." The nin smiled.

Iruka smiled back nervously, "Yeah, I guessed I worried about nothing."

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