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Third person point of view

Nobody went outside since the Shinobi from the Hidden village of Leaf left with the old geezer to fix the bridge. It was quite out there, obviously nobody stepped a foot out of the door.

Inari climbed the stairway, and turned left directly to the end of the hall. He slightly opened the door and peeped inside. A blob of platinum blonde hair stuck out from the purple quilt, half of her body hanged at the end of the bed. Inari sweatdropped when he saw the blonde headed girl unconsciously threw the the quilt onto the floor.

With the door behind his back, He closed the door softly and crept inside the bedroom. He picked up all the dolls and stuffed animals left on the floor and arranged it on the nightstand.

He opened the window bind and wiped the off the dirt on the windows. The sunlight hits into the dull room, Yuu stirred in her sleep when the sun ray hits her pale face.

"Get that freaking light outa my face...." Yuu grumbled, she picked up her fallen quilt and covered herself from head to toe. Inari walked toward Yuu's bed.

"Get the hell up Pig!" He grabbed hold of the bedsheet, and pulled it forcefully. Yuu fell down from the sudden movement. Yuu grabbed her pillow and threw it at Inari's face. Yuu stood up and tackled Inari making him fall down onto the ground, hard.




"Hey! Don't touch that!"




The door flew open and Inari rushed out crying.

"MOOOMM!" Inari cried as he lurched onto his mother. "She hit me! She hit me hard!" Inari sniffled. Tsunami patted his head.

"Don't cry Inari, maybe... Yuu was hungry. She didn't mean to hurt you." Tsunami cooed.

"No! Yuu's-"

"Huuuushhhh..." Tsunami Quieted Inari.

"It's Alright baby." Tsunami cooed.

Heyyy it's been a while

I've been busy


But I'll update

I mean as in legit update

I've been publishing some fillers


I really am

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