I hate guilt trip

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Yuu's POV

Ahh... Stuck in the middle of the endless lake with a white haired cyclops, a brooding king, a princess bubblegum, an obnoxious orange pip squeak, old man Tazuna, and a rower.

Old man Tazuna was acting suspicious, his eyed kept wavering around. Sweats sliding down from his forehead. Yes, Tazuna is our main suspect. His hand was itching to touch something, I figured that he may or may not have a weapon.

My hands moved itself to my knife holder, slowly and steadily grasping the knife's handle.

"So Tazuna-san, I figured that this mission is no ordinary. As you see that those rogue ninja are no game to be played with them. I have suspected that you tricked us along with the Hokage." Kakashi said.

"I-I have no idea of what were you talking about!" Tazuna exclaimed.

"Quit playing dumb on us old man Tazuna!" I stood up from my seat and positioned my knife at his throat. "This mission may not be suitable for the genis, what are you hiding?" Kakashi asked seriously.

"I-I.... Fine, I'll spill the beans..." Tazuna surrendered. We all leaned closely toward Tazuna as he started his story.

"The land of wave was once a rich and healthy country everybody was happy and peace. They thought that the peacefulness will last forever... But ever since Gato and his henchman started to find the country quite interesting, he took everything away from us. Higher the taxes, Killing a hundreds of men, abducting women of all ages, selling out those children to the over seas. Everyone in the wave country was poor and scared, deadly sickness spreading like s wildfire. No doctor can cure that such a disease, even if they do it probably worth a million for a treatment. " Tazuna said in a depressing voice.

"This is the reason why I should return back to the land of wave, To build the bridge that'll reconnect to the mainland. That's what Gato was afraid of, once the bridge was made all of his company will fall. I am here to asking for your help, it's okay to left me on the road, letting Gato's henchmen assassinate me. My only grandson will cry,' Granpa! Granda! Don't go!" Tazuna imitated a child voice , "then my daughter will hate the konaha ninja for all her might. " Tazuna said.

Kakashi sigh, " Fine we'll bring you to your house safely and guard you till the end of the mission. For all I know that this isn't a C ranked mission, probably A rank or even higher. And Yuu do you mind shut of the radio?" Kakashi snapped at me.

"opps! Sorry..." I stuffed my radio into my bag.

"We're almost there, Tazuna." Mushu the rower informed.

Soon we arrived to the shore, but sadly Mushu can't row us closer to Tazuna's home.

"Well this is it Tazuna, goodbye and goodluck." With that he left.

"Now Take me to my house safe and soundly!" Tazuna exclaimed.

"ay yay captain!" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

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