Whats gonna work? TEAMWORK!

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Third person POV

The sun's shining, birds tweeting , and....  too cliché? Yeah I know.

Any way, the Genins collapse from tiredness 5 AM in the morning. I mean who the hell woke up that early, but then again they are ninjas. That's pretty normal right? No? Ok well then...

Since Kakashi-sensei told them that to come to training field 7 at 5 AM on time.It's already freaking pass 3 hours now, And their sensei had yet to arrive.

And since the other 3 birdbrains Genin decided to followed their sensei's ' do not eat your breakfast unless you want get an upset stomach' stupid advice. Being an idiot they are, they obeyed.

Those three idiots slumped down the tree stumps tiredly, looking at the sky.

"When will Kakashi-sensei come?" Sakura whined annoyingly, as she watched the birds soaring through the horizon, wondering when will their teacher arrive.

"Hn..." Sasuke ignored Sakura's whining. he, of course also annoyed by their teacher's tardiness. Naruto was getting really impatient to wait for their sensei.

"WHEN WILL KAKASHI-SENSEI GOING TO ARRIVE?!!!HE IS TAKING TO LONG!!!" Our favorite obnoxious orange lover being an impatient idiot he is, shouted desperately.

"*grooowwlllll*........" The rumbling sounds came directly from Sakura,Sasuke and Naruto themselves stomach, They sweatdropped.

'I can't believe I just had to followed his advice...' They thought grumpily.

"Geez, you guys are really stupid aren't you? Why do You even had to followed his pointless advice. " Yuu stated, deadpanned the fact they will slow themselves down if they didn't eat breakfast. She stood on top of the tree branches, watching the sun slowly rose up to the sky.

"Damn that scarecrow.... After this stupid exercise I am so gonna tie him on a wooden plank in the middle of the farm fields. Watching him being bitten by the crows from afar... Video tapping it for black mailing purposes..." Yuu muttered Aggressively, she didn't noticed that the other trios scoped away from her in rather... A very quick pace I suppose.  

"-poof- Good Morning, sorry that I'm late. Some old lady dragged me to the local market and made me carried her groceries back to her residence. " Kakashi said as he rubbed his head sheepishly.

"LIE- wait that sounds reasonable enough, but either way..."


Naruto and Sakura shouted at Kakashi for being late. Kakashi tried to calm them down, but then again it's his faults. I mean who the hell arrived 3 hours late?

Kakashi set a clock on top of the stump, in front of them. He set the timer at 12 in the noon and pulled out 3 bells from his pouch.

"Whoever steal one of this bell from me before the 12 in the noon pass-"  Sakura interrupted "- wait , there are only three bells and four of us! so one of us will fail ?"

"Very sharp Sakura. One of you will send back to the academy if they failed to get one. " Kakashi explained.

" come at me with intent to kill, you can use kunai, shurikens and jutsu-"



"In the real world, class clowns are most likely to get killed first in the battlefield. " Kakashi said making Naruto angry with his last statement.

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