first phase part 2

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Yuu's POV

Does anybody have a feeling that you just wanted to punch a heck out of someone because you just really wanted to and there's an irritating and suffocating feeling that stuck in your chest that you can't get it out?

Yeah that's what I'm feeling right now.

Apparently, Kabuto did something wrong (well, not really. He just unintentionally insulted that the Hidden village of the sound is a village filled with outcasts and leftover of some sort) and got punched by a sound-nin.  it was a weak punch really, but Kabuto manage to dodge it yet he somehow collapsed and threw up on the floor

But, daaamnnn. That stench smells horrible!

And it made me want to punch someone for the heck of it!

The door suddenly flew open, and examiners (I think) came into the classroom with a smug look on their face then situated themselves at the side of the classroom.

Now I understand why there were extra chairs at the side. And for some reason, I probably know why. Probably.

A smoke erupted in the middle of the platform and dispels shortly after, revealing a scar faced man with a permanent scowl expression plastered on his face. (A/N: probably his resting bitch face)

"LISTEN UP YOU BUNCH OF HOPELESS FOOLS!" His voice boomed through the room, I have no doubt that the whole village can hear his voice even with the distance.

"I AM YOUR CHUNIN EXAM'S FIRST PHASE PROCTOR, THE NAME'S IBIKI MORINO, AND THIS YEAR YOU JUST GOT UNLUCKY ENOUGH TO BE PROCTORED BY ME!" Then a ninja suddenly popped up beside him with a box in his hand. "STEP RIGHT UP FOOLS! AND PICK A CARD FROM THIS BOX!" He said. the genins immediately fall in line, in fear of not getting his wrath.

I picked mine before moving away for the next person in line to take their's. It was an empty card until I flipped it to the other side.

It showed, '8' on the paper. Well at least it isn't ninja info cards for the Pete sake.

"Now you got your cards, proceed to your assigned seats." He said. The genins went to their seat hastily before settling down quite anxiously. Papers being distributed by the sideline ninjas, and placed on the table, blank page facing up.

"I'll assume that all of you got your own papers. "Ibiki started, "Before we start our written examination, I have a set of rules that I want you FOOLS to comply."Nodding to himself, nobody dares to say something, he proceed to lay down his rules, which I, unsurprisingly ignored and zone out from his lecture of sort.

It didn't take long for him to shout about it, making the genins almost pissed their pants. And also he told us not to answer the tenth question. Yet.


Don't asked me, I don't know what the hell he just said awhile ago.

I flipped the paper, and paled at the sight of it.

At that moment, I realized that....

...I'm screwed up.

'who the heck would threw themselves into the minefield and expecting to get themselves out of it before the bombs went off!' I screamed in my mind, suffering internally from those freaking questions, I mean Projectiles. Geometry. Pythagorean theorem. Triangles. Those contain calculations and somewhat logics. 

After calming myself from mental breakdown, I scanned the whole classroom and sweated at their gloomy aura. Figured, nobody knows the answers wait- Sakura and few other dudes seems doing well...

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