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I watched Both of Sasuke's undeniably number one fangirls let out a war cry, before jumping in action to their cat fighting at each other. They even tied their forehead protector on their forehead instead of on their waist and  above their head. The blonde and pinklette were using The academy style taijutsu to fight. And just by looking at Both of them, I can conclude that They were pathetic.

"Okay guys, can't We just disqualify them or something? It's getting out of hand-" as if a cue, Both of The fangirl flew back from their super duper weak impact, They stood up again and repeat what They Did just a moment ago. and then they flew back again.

"- That's it. It's getting even more stupider by each passing second." I deadpan, I could hear a couple of murmur in agreement at The side. I heard The fan girl saying something about Both of them are unworthy of becoming a kunoichi.

"And who The hell promoted them to Genin?!" she added, "What's with Konoha's shinobi system?!"

Okay, That's offensive. But I couldn't help But to agree with her. I watched how Iruka-sensei blended into The shadow while remaining on not having an eye contact with anybody else. And how Hokage tilted his hat downward, covering his face as if they're Too ashamed to show their face to anyone.

I leaned on The rail completely tired from all this 'wa da hek is goin on' situation. Thinking back to The first battle, with Sasuke fighting against Harry Potter's teammate of sort, having his chakra sucked out and beaten to pump. Then sudden unexpected turn of event, Harry Potter's teammate of sort became The bottom with Sasuke at The top.

I didn't know that he haVE The guts to that.

And I didn't even know he swing to The other way!

After their battle with Harry Potter's teammate of sort being knocked out, Sasuke was told to follow Kakashi-sensei to The basement I think. And I kinda heard Sasuke anguish scream from down below. Kinky.

When Kakashi-sensei returned back to The arena, I asked him something and he just raised his eye brow at me and say:

"I don't curve to that side. And I don't have a fetish for minor. Young people these days..." He muttered the last sentence mostly to himself. Then reality hits him hard, "I'm not getting any Younger after all these days." Then he drop his face into his palm, "I'm not getting paid enough for this job."

"Well, Did you do him?" I asked.


he turned to me sharply. "Where Did you learn this?" he countered, his eye widen in fraction, "Have you been reading My Novel?!" He shouted in panic.

I just shrugged, "A partial of it. Some where around Takumi pushing Misaki onto The bed and whispered huskily to her ears- 'Oi baka, we're going to have a long night. Make sure you're up for it.'" I tried to imitate his voice But failed terribly. Kakashi-sensei's eye twitched irritatingly. "T-that was chapter sixty-nine..." he mumbled.

The next thing happened was Kakashi-sensei's hand smacking on My head Then shoved a bar of soap into My mouth and poured a gallon of water on top of My head. Soaking me thoroughly in process, obviously.

"What The hell Scarecrow?!" I spit out The soap bar out of My mouth and gagged from that foreign flavour, currently disgusted. Kakashi-sensei glared at me before pouring another gallon of water on top of My head.

and where Did he got those gallons of water? I do not know where either.

"This is what'll happen when you took somebody's belongings while commiting an adultry." he stated, bringing out another gallon of water and repeated The process. "Better wash those bad thought out of your mind before it corrupts you, it'll be bad for Your developing brain!" he added, giving me a forced close eyed smile before splashing me with another gallon of water. Within this Man made waterfall, I could still hear The faint sound of those Two fangirls' battle cry at The background before drowning Myself along with those gallons of waters being splash on me.

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