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He grabbed my wrist gently and slowly pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around me and embraced me tightly,  my ear pressed against his chest all I could hear was the sound of his heart beating quicker each second.

"Alyssa, there's something important that I need to tell you"

I looked up at him but i could not see his face, it looked pixeled, blurry, whatever you want to call it. It was impossible to find out who this was., It was like in those tv shows that cover someone's face so that way you wouldn't recognize the person.
He then placed his warm hands on both of my shoulders and I could tell that he was looking at me by the way he tilted his head to the side facing my direction.

His cold breath met my ear and whispered "Wake up"

I looked at him cluelessly.

Did he just tell me to wake up?

"Wake up" he rose his voice a bit

-end of dream-

I opened my eyes quickly and sat up immediately while panting as i kept hearing a voice commanding me to wake up, as soon as my eyes were able to focus  All I saw was my mom a few inches away from my face.

"Eww"  I moved away and pushed her gently away from me, this isnt the first time she's done this. In fact she does this everyday.

"You're going to be late for school." She breathed out, Her hair was in a messy bun with a few bobby pins that were close to falling off. She got up and walked towards the door while scratching the back of her neck.
As she closed the door I laid back on my bed and pressed my pillow on my face. I was slowly drifting to sleep when I hear my mother's footsteps growing louder and louder.

"Wake up!" i felt my blanket fly off my body causing goosebumps to appear on my skin immediately. My mother was already getting upset from the sound of her voice, raising each time she came in.

"it's 6:30am, you'll be late for school"
She was about to walk out of my room but she stopped at the door and gave me a slight glare. "Again" she finished off then walked out and slammed the door which echoed around the room.
Sighing deeply I took the pillow off my face and looked up at the ceiling.

that dream again,

this isn't the first time I dreamt this. It's been a month since I've been having the same dream every night. Sometimes it drives me crazy to find out who is appearing in my dreams all the time, and it always ends right when he's about to tell me.

Maybe it meant something

I got up and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up even more. I smiled at my Bangtan poster on my pastel blue wall next to my wooden desk against the corner of my room filled with paper work that I still need to turn in.

"Idiots" I said under a sigh, the thought that these boys are insanely amazing and stupid simultaneously.  I got up and stood infront of my mirrored closet on the right side of my room right next to my bed. Observing my body, realizing that i have gained some weight. Lifting up my shirt up and turned to the side to see my size, i could lose this in about 3 weeks so it's not really a big problem to worry about right now. I got my gray polo shirt out of the closet and black pants that were laying on my desk and placed it on my bed.

Yes uniform, I know it sucks ass. In my high school every grade has different colored polo shirt. Forest green for freshmen, black for sophomores, grey for Juniors and burgundy for seniors. All my school years I've been wearing uniform so I'm used to it. It's not a big deal for me, I'm terrible at deciding what to wear anyway. I speed walked to the kitchen, smelling the freshly made pancakes as I was walking which made me feel very welcoming. I inhaled deeply, smelling the pancakes happily. I tied my hair back into a bun as I walked to the kitchen humming a song, my buns always looked like crap. Since I have bangs tiny pieces of hair stick out and makes me look silly. You know the struggle if you have bangs. I saw my mom was flipping the last pancake and placed it on a plate along with two other pancakes that were piled,  before speaking she gave me a smile, as a sign of 'good morning' which im used to.

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