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*Hoseok Pov*

"I don't want to see you anymore get out" Jungkook said angrily at Alyssa, she looked like she wanted to cry her eyes out. Her eyes were red and the tip of her nose was red as well.

She looked hurt

"Jungkook stop this alrea-"
Jungkook cut me off before I could finish

"Get out"


"No, he wants me out. You won't see me ever again Jeon Jungkook you have my word" Her eyes were almost filled with tears as she replied back to him. She left and slammed the door behind her.

"What the fuck have you done Jeon Jungkook!" Yoongi yelled

"Why the hell would you believe her ?!" Jimin added as he pushed Jungkook back

"Do you not see what she has done?!" Jungkook replied as he pushed him back.

I noticed Hyeon-na took out her phone and pressed her thumbs quickly onto the screen while a grin on her face.
She placed her phone back and slightly elbowed her sister, they both nodded.

What the hell are they up to..

"This is all a lie, why the hell would you believe her!?" Jin yelled at Jungkook who was getting attacked with yells from Jin, Yoongi and Jimin

"Im only simply saying the tru-"
Hyeon-seo began to speak but Taehyung cut her off

"And who's talking to you? Let them settle this"

"Alyssa wasn't a part of this cant you understand? How dare you betray her like this?!"
Jimin yelled

"Hyeon-seo clearly just proved that she's been doing all this shit, now fuck off!"

Jimin punched Jungkook on his jaw which made him hit his back against the wall.

I grabbed Namjoon's wrist whispered something in his ear.

"Let's go"
I grabbed Taehyung's wrist and ran out the house to find Aly.

The sky seemed upset as well, clouds were making the sky get darker and darker.

"She's all the way over there" Taehyung said as he pointed to our left. She was already about probably less than a block away.

We ran as fast as we could to catch up with her. I was already out of breath but I somehow managed to keep going.

"Aly!" I yelled, but she didn't stop.

It began to sprinkle, small drops of rain falling from the sky and hitting my face.

We kept running.

"Aly!" I yelled again

She still kept running.

"We need to catch up" Taehyung said while panting heavily, out of breath.

It began to rain harder and harder each second, the water hitting my face and arms was begging to sting.
Goosebumps were covering my arms since I only have a tshirt.

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