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Months passed, the boys released their their MV 'Fire' along with their album which was a huge hit here and internationally. Marlen stayed here with Taehyung and Natalie is still back in LA sadly.

Throughout these months living with the boys it's been fun, we've bonded way more than we used to since they're not as busy as they were before.
Jungkook is the only one I can't fully remember.


Jungkook's Pov

"It's almost New Years!" Taehyung jumped in excitement as he danced around with Hoseok.

"It's 5:26 in the afternoon tae" Namjoon took a sip from his coffee, his nose was really red since he was the only one who was sick. I was the first and it was passed around, now Namjoon is the last one.

"You don't have the new year's spirit" Taehyung pouted

"Is that even a thing?" I slipped my hand under my shirt and kept it there. It's a bad habit I have when I'm bored

"I guess so"

*Kakao notification*

I looked over at my phone which was laying on the small table we have on the center of the living room.

Hyeon-Seo: Jungkookie~ are we still dat-
It was the only think I could read from my lockscreen. I thought I blocked her

"Look who's texting you" Jimin looked over at my phone as he walked to the kitchen.

"Ya! I told you I don't want anything to do with her"

"Then why is she texting you?"
Jimin stopped and turned over to face me

"I blocked her, she probably made a new account"


" I told you I'm done, I'm already lovesick, i don't even think I'll date anyone in a long ass while" I scoffed and made myself more comfortable on the couch.

"Lovesick my ass, that's nothing"

"Oh yeah?"

"Aly's been through worse" Jimin walked away right after he was finished saying that.

I haven't really talked to Alyssa ever since her accident, I still feel guilty about what happened. But I also want to be friends with her, it's just awkward a being around her without having a conversation or something.
We almost had a thing until the devil came along.
But I hope we can get along in the future

Or maybe now..

"What's our plans for today?" Yoongi finally spoke as he turned his phone off.

"Just watching the fireworks" Namjoon said with a small groan

"I'm inviting Marlene over" Taehyung said with that weird rectangle smile of his.

"Lucky ass, I have to FaceTime Natalie instead.." Jimin walked in with a bowl of cereal on his hand

"Wait where's Aly?" Don't know why I asked that

"She's still sleeping, she's tired from all of the skiing yesterday"

"She fell a few times though" Hoseok chuckled

I had to be her bodyguard yesterday, she kept falling and I held her by her hand. Which made me have a warm feeling.
I might have feelings towards her, but I'm afraid I might hurt her again.

"Umm guys.." They gave me their full attention excerpt for Hoseok, he was playing piano tiles.

"Help me get Alyssa ready at 11"

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