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*Hoseok's Pov*

It has been almost an hour and Alyssa was still talking to the doctor. Namjoon fell asleep on the chair with his earphones on listening to B.a.p's young wild and free. He's really close friends with Yongguk, they've been talking more lately and they almost always talk about American rappers. I like it as well but for me, dancing is a little more above rapping just a little. I talk to Junhong the most (Zelo), but he's really shy and hardly talks so I have to be come up with conversations to keep him talking. We met at the same dance school back in korea, he was really young when I met him but he's grown so much since then. he's also very tall, I have to look up a bit just to look at him.

Anyway enough about that, gotta focus on Aly. She hasn't came out of the assigned room they told her to go to, me and Namjoon weren't allowed because we weren't related. So we couldn't go in with her.
I really hope she's okay, I was panicking a bit when we were in the car. I just don't want her to be ill or anything, Namjoon kept telling me that it wasn't anything bad and that she was going to be well. That honestly calmed me down, I mean I don't talk to her much but she's really cute and she uh.. aish.. Well that's all I got, I don't know much about her. But I've been liking her ever since we 'met', we didn't exactly meet. I just showed up in the living room with a towel.
Ah.. I need to take her out.

The lights on the ceiling were bothering my eyes, my eyes felt hella heavy. I could fall asleep right here and now but I wanted to wait and see if Alyssa was okay.
But Namjoon on the other hand was dead asleep, luckily, I still remained on my feet.

Half an hour had passed when the doctor walked towards me looking through a paper that was attached to his clipboard.

"Are you Ms.Rivera's guardian?" I slipped my mouth mask down to my chin


"Alyssa" he replied

"My mistake, no I'm only a friend"

..just a friend..

We shook hands and introduced himself with a warm smile, not as good as mine though

"I'm Doctor Degrecio"

"Hoseok" i replied back while bowing my head down a little.

"Ah well Mr.Hoseok, we've just did a few tests on her and Alyssa's lungs have-"

"Asthma?" I cut him off before he could finish

"I'm afraid to say yes" I froze for a second

"Is there any way for her to get rid of it or something?"

"We can only give her treatments and control her breathing, But we cannot get rid of it permenantly , we can tranquilize it but asthma is still present in someone's life."

"I see" I lowered my head slightly and bit my lip with anger. I wasn't even sure why i was even angry, Alyssa's mother is away , shes always lonely, and now this.

"All she needs is rest, since she is in summer vacation she can have plenty of it. We will also give her the recipe for an inhaler, you can go to a pharmacy and get it there."

"Can you make that two? I want one just incase"

"Absolutely" he handed me a two strips of paper with the recipe and he walked down the hallway back to the room Alyssa was in.

Namjoon was still sitting on the chair to my right, still sleeping. I gently stepped on his foot which made him jump a little.

"Mwo?(What?)" he wiped some drool that was on rolling down his chin.

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