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"It's Natalie" she closed the door and turned to her left and turned the lights on. The light made my eyes squint a little, I walked towards the couch and sat on the right corner. After I just heard Jungkook yell at his phone it made me worry more about him. I feel like I'm somehow the cause of this but I know I'm not. Relationships can be stupid and confusing, Trust me. I know what it feels like to get your heart crushed so fucking bad. I never regretted life so much in my life.
Guys can be literal dicks and they don't care.

"How did it go with Yoongi?"
She sat on the floor facing me as she was scrolling through the spams of emails on her phone.
She had an oversized grey sweater on her, which I assumed it was Jimin's.

"It went well, I made him get a small taste of my side of the family"

"Ah, nice. Did he like it?"

"I'm guessing he loved it, he was like a child he kept dragging me everywhere" She smiled when I finished my sentence.

"Wait why are you here anyway?"
I get that Natalie is Jimin's girlfriend, but she's almost never around the house.
She lowered her head a bit and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Jimin called me to come over because He wanted me to talk to Jungkook.."
Her tone of voice faded as she was finishing off.
Talk to Jungkook about what?

"Jungkook?" I gave her a confused look

"Look I know you have feelings for Jungkook but promise me you won't get upset about this"
She sat next to me and rested her elbow on my left shoulder. I simply looked at her and waited for her to tell me already.


"Jungkook's girlfriend is coming here so they can talk things out.."
She paused, I nodded as a sign for her to keep going.

"There might be a chance of them getting back together.."
Chance of them getting back together? I just clearly heard him yell his lungs out downstairs.
Which I have a string feeling it was his girlfriend, I know for a fact it was her.
Ugh why am I getting like this?

I gave her a small shrug

"You don't care?"
I honestly did, It was killing me already. I just want them to get back already so I can move on, I know Jungkook won't and will never be with me that's for sure. He has his lover and I completely understand, even if it kills me.

"Nah, I don't like him as much"
She raised her eyebrows in confusion

"This..isn't like you"

"I'm serious"

"But you were so crazy about Jungkook before we met them, and now that you're here with them you're just gonna toss this all aw-"

"Natalie, I don't have feelings for him anymore. They're gone, poof! Just like that" She had a blank look on her face and took a deep breath. I think I convinced her or something. I hope I did..

"You sure?" she said slowly while looking at me straight in the eye.

"Completely sure"

"Alright if you say so.."
After that we just talked about random stuff to each other until the sun was setting. She left a bit early because she had to get ready for a game tomorrow and also her mom wanted her home.
I was probably on my phone up until 3 in the morning looking at some makeup tutorial accounts that I follow on YouTube.

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