Canceled date

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I didn't even sleep at all, i kept overthinking way too much that probably made me feel really awake. Well, i also drank two cups of coffee so that's another reason why i wasn't sleepy. I kept looking up at the ceiling, just thinking. Why didn't jungkook tell me this before? We almost kissed once and he didn't even think about his girlfriend? Does he even like me? Probably not, But Jin said that Jungkook and his girlfriend are having arguments and their relationship might end soon. that's wrong of me to do, they should have a strong an lasting relationship and i shouldn't get in the way. I should at least help him. I was about to close my eyes when i suddenly felt my phone vibrate by my thigh, i sighed and slipped my phone out of my front pocket. i typed in my four digit number and scrolled through my messages. it was Yoongi, i looked at the time on the top of my screen of my phone. '7:25a.m' Is he usually up this late?


Yg: ey are you up?

Me: I am now,

Yg: We're hanging out today, You didn't forget, right?

Me: no i was actually about to send you a message and ask where were we going

Yg: oh i thought you forgot.

Me: ofc not

Yg: get ready in 30 and we can decide later

-end of convo-

I pressed the small button on the top right edge of my phone and locked it, I slowly got out of bed and walked straight to my closet while rubbing my eyes. I lost my focus for a second and shook my head a bit. I changed to a grey crop top with a jean jacket and ripped black jeans, I'm not gonna lie I have a pretty healthy body and I'm in good shape. I grabbed my makeup bag that was resting on the shelf by the corner of the room. I grabbed my phone and walked to the bathroom.

-small time skip-

I was able to finish everything under 10 minutes, I got out of the bathroom with my things and headed back to my room. I placed my bag back where i found it and looked for my converse under my bed. The sound of the kakao notification sound made me jump hit my head on the edge of the bed

"ah, stupid shit" I rubbed my head with my hand and groaned in pain, i grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and unlocked my phone, It was him. I squinted my eyes a bit to make my eyes focus on the text.

?: Do me a favor and make sure to bring Yoongi hyung home no later than 5pm, we need to go to a meeting.

A small sigh escaped my lips as i read the last words from the text. Meetings meetings meetings. Don't they get tired of it? I get annoyed just by going to parent conference and they have to see people almost everyday. I placed my phone back on my pocket and grabbed my shoes as soon as i found them. I found Yoongi laid back against the couch watching an old bangtan bomb when they were in their N.O era on his phone, i watched him for a while. He was smiling like an idiot when he would say something and say 'aish'. He seemed pretty comfortable since he was wearing a grey knitted cardigan ontop of a white shirt with black jeans and leather ankle boots. After a few seconds of 'lurking' Yoongi, i pretended that i was coming down the stairs and walked up to him. He slowly lowered his phone and gave me a small smile

"Done?" he asked me as he stood up from the couch and pulled his pants up a bit, i nodded as I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. He looked at me from head to toe quickly and his lips curved to a smile.

"I swear, If i was a girl I'll make you choose my clothes for me" he said with a small chuckle, revealing is adorable gummy smile.

"what do you mean?"

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