Lovesick book 2 teaser

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-3 years later-

"Wait, are you at the Café?" She sounded as if she was out of breath.

" Yeah I got here like 10 minutes ago, where are you?"

I could hear her sighing

"Sorry, something came up. I have a volleyball game in a few minutes but I'll catch up with you later at home, yeah?"

"Sure now go kick some ass Mrs.Park"

"I will, thanks Aly"

I hung up and placed my phone on the table as I took a sip from my coffee.
Natalie's now a famous volleyball player kicking ass since high school.
I'm here doing nothing with my life, well sorta. I'm studying for being a graphic designer since I have a passion in drawing.

"She's still in practice?" Marlene came back from the bathroom and sat in the seat that was infront of me.

"She has a game instead"
I corrected

A young man walked in the coffee shop with a gorgeous little baby boy on the baby carrier that was on the front side of his body and held a small girl's hand.
Once he ordered a pink sprinkled doughnut for his daughter and a coffee for himself he walked towards our table.

"Wisa!" The little girl ran towards me

"Hey amy" I kissed her cheek and sat her on my lap. Since she's still a baby she has trouble learning my name so she calls me Wisa.

"Hey guys has Natalie called yet?" Jimin grabbed the bottle from his pocket of his sweater and shakes it a few times for the formula to mix well with the water.

"Yeah she's having a game right now" Marlene said as she took a sip from her drink.
I ran my finger against the small baby boy's cheek as Jimin smiles down at him.

"Say hi to your aunt, Minjoon-ah" he grabbed the baby's arm and wave it lightly

"Hi~" I chuckled as I waved back

All of Bangtan and I moved back to LA a few weeks ago, they're working on their new comeback so I had to tag along.
Natalie and Jimin already made a family. Amy is 2 years and Minjoon is 4 months, Jimin picked out Amy's name and Natalie picked Minjoon's.
Marlene is now engaged with Taehyung. I'm the only one who is completely single.

What happened to Jungkook?
His parents chose his girlfriend for him, but I respected their decision. He can't just date a foreigner..

Thank you for reading this trash :)

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