Adoptive parent part 2

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No ones pov

*phone rings*


"No sir"

"What?! But is there anyway I can fix this?"


"Right now?"

"Yes sir"

End of pov

"Alyssa wake up please"

I rapidly opened my eyes and sat up as I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Jin.


"We need to go somewhere"
I looked at my clock that was brightly shining with digital red numbers on top of the small drawer I had on the left side of my bed.

"It's like 3:30 in the morning nothing's open right now"

"It's urgent, it involves you and the orphanage"

He placed his hand on my mouth

"Shh, come on get dressed and let's go you have 5 minutes and no makeup"

-time skip-

"Why are we even here?"
I crossed my arms as I angrily tried to make myself comfortable on the wooden chair in the waiting room.

"Because this involves you"

"It doesn't, they said something about my mother"
He bit his lower lip as he nervously looked around, it was obvious. I know when he gets like this.

"They didn't mention her"

"Yes they did, wait...why do I live with you guys and not my mo-"

"I'm here I'm here!" Namjoon jogged to us as he tossed his car keys at Jin.

"Did you park at a good spot did anyone notice you?"

"Ne right infront of the building, and nope I took off my mouth ask when I came in"


"Jin stop ignoring me, now answer me please.."
Jin looked up at Namjoon and gave him a nod. He then took a deep breath and faced towards me

"You mother passed-away the same day you had your accident... She was diabetic and she was found dead in her office"
I felt like someone just shoved a knife in my chest.

My mother..


Tears began forming and slowly falling down my cheeks. Namjoon placed his hand on my head and I pressed my head against his stomach. I did my best to hold in all of my tears but the managed to escape. I hate myself for not remembering who she is..

"What about my dad?.." I said as I stuttered and gasped for breath.

"He abandoned you.." Namjoon finished off and stroked my hair gently as Jin lowered his head.
I hate how I just made it awkward for them but just the fact that I'm parentless breaks my heart so much.
I felt so empty..
So Dark..

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