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*Jungkook Pov*

"So you're saying that I'm more important?"

"Yeah" She smiled at me warmly, I couldn't help but just stare at her eyes. She looks so beautiful when she smiles . My mind tells me to not fall for her but my heart says the complete opposite, I haven't had this feeling in a long time. The only time my girlfriend made me feel like this was in the first month we started dating, after that she started being rude to me and hanging out with her friends. I haven't told my hyungs that she might be cheating on me, It's better if I just keep it to myself and take responsibility for once. She looked away from me and I placed my hand under her chin and slowly made he face me. Her cheeks were turning to a light pink, It made me want to look at her all night.

"Something wrong?"

"No...you're just- uh you're really b-"

"Jungkook-ah! We need you!" Jimin yelled from outside and completely killed my moment. I sighed deeply, stupid Jimin you'll pay for this..

"Sorry.." I got out of the car and met with my hyungs

"Seriously Jimin?" I gave him an annoyed face and rolled my eyes

"woah woah woah, I'm two years older than you Jeon Jungkook. Respect please"

"I don't get respect from all of you and I'm the oldest out of all of you" Jin hyung scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Alright boys just a couple more and we're done, now please get into position" I took a last glance over at Alyssa who was looking down at her hands. She seems sad now, maybe it was her boyfriend but she just didn't want to tell me

"Jungkook-ah please look to your right please and thank you!"

"M-mianhae..." I gave him a small bow and positioned myself next to Jimin and did as i was told.
The photoshoot took about two hours and my legs were sore from all the standing. All these photoshoots are way too tiring, I'm always the first to get tired really quickly. We all bowed and thanked everyone for their hard work.

"Good job everyone, thank you for your hard work!" Our manager said proudly as he clapped.

"Can we please go home now?" I whined to Jin hyug and rested my head on his shoulder

"You boys can go ahead and get going, It's late" One of the photographers said with a smile.
My hyungs and I bowed and said our thank you's and goodbye's to the noonas and photographers. I just want to go home and sleep. My eyes bags under my eyes were getting heavy each second, I walked to the car and got inside. I sat next to Alyssa who was sleeping, her head was laying against the window. She looks uncomfortable..
I grabbed Yoongi Hyung's neck cushion pillow and placed it on my lap, I gently placed my hands on the sides of her head and slowly laid her head down on the pillow. She muttered something under a breathe and made herself comfortable. I looked down at her and didn't realize I was smiling like an idiot. She's different than other girls, I know she is.

"Yo! Jungkoo-" Taehyung entered the car out of no where



"She's sleeping please be quiet Hyung"

"Oh mianhae.." He pretended to zip his mouth shut and sat next to me, he tilted his head to the side and smiled

"How long has she been asleep?"

I shrugged " don't know, she was already asleep when I came in"

"And how come she's in this position?"
He gave me a small grin

"She looked uncomfortable so I wanted to help"

"Good Maknae" he patted my head and slid his headphones on

-time skip-

It's 3:41am We are just a few miles away from home, although the traffic is insane right now. So It's taking forever. Alyssa was still asleep, surprisingly. She kept moving around and muttering in her sleep. Now shes faced down and its making me uncomfortable...

I heard Jimin and Hoseok hyung laughing which annoyed me already. I looked up at them and they pointed at Alyssa.

"Like the position she's in Maknae?" Jimin said as he tried holding in his laughter.

"Turn around" i said as i rolled my eyes and looked out the window to my left. Coffee shops and fast food restaurants were still open, couples holding hands , small lights wrapped around trees on the sidewalk and the bright full moon shining over the city. It made me think of home, back in busan. When i was younger my older brother and I would take long walks during the night when I would have problems. But now my brother is in the military, my mom and dad are alwas at work and I also have rehearsing and other things to do, I don't really miss my home but I do think about the old happy times we had together.

"We're here boys, sleep well" our manager said as he stopped the car infront of our house, the lights are on? Namjoon hyung probably left them on by accident.

"Hyung did..you leave the lights on?" Asked Jin hyung as I tapped his shoulder


I lifted Alyssa's head slowly as everyone got out of the car, I got out and walked around the car to her door which was on the left. I opened the door and slid my hands behind her neck and knees,I pulled her out slowly and closed the door with my hip. The guys were still getting their stuff out of the trunk .She's pretty light so I don't have a hard time or anything, I made my way to the front door of our house and saw her sitting on the couch with her, Hyeon-seo, with her arms crossed and looking staright at me as of she wanted me dead already.

"Jeon fucking Jungkook.."

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