5 to go

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Jimin and I got home around twelve something because he was getting tired. He kept yawning no stop so I told him that we should get going.

I placed the keys by the small table by the couch when we got in. Jimin slipped his sweater off and tossed it on the couch.

"I'm headed to bed, make sure to get some sleep okay?" He scratched his lower lip with his pinky as he headed towards the stairs.

"I will, sleep well Jimin" I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked through all of the 632 pictures I have on my gallery. Jimin gave me my phone back when I got out of the hospital. He said he deleted somethings that weren't needed anymore. I didn't know what he meant by that so I stayed quiet instead.

I slowly swiped my thumb against the screen gently as I looked at every picture. There were many selcas taken by Jimin and Taehyung. Pictures of us at the park, beach and volleyball games. I swiped once more to the right and a small play buttoned appeared on the middle of the screen. I bit my lower lip as I pressed play with my finger.

-Video plays-

JK: Ya~ Aly say hi to the camera! *small chuckles in the background*

A: Is the my phone?

Jk: ne~ mine died and I wanted to make a show about you

A: go film Jimin or Hobi

Jk: Ani, I want it to be about you.
*zooms in Alyssa's face* Alyssa Rivera's life experience living with 7 men

A: stop Jungkook I'm trying to cook here, do you want me to get hurt?

Jk: just say something please

A: *turns facing the camera zoomed in onto her face and sighs* something

Jk: Smile idiot

A: *threatens Jungkook with the spatula*

Jk: ya ya ya ! *laughs* I'll stop

A: Good now leave I need to help Jin finish this quickly

Jk: I'll stop if you give me a kiss

A: *cheeks turn light pink and glares at Jungkook*

Jk: *starts getting chased by Alyssa as they both laugh* ya! Okay I'll stop!

-Video ends-

"Looks like you still like him" I jumped at the voice that I heard behind me and quickly turned and looked.

"Hoseok don't scare me like that" I placed my hand on my chest as I tried to control my breathing from the small scare I just had.

"And what do you mean I 'looks like you still like him'? " he slipped his hands down his pockets of his sweats and shook his head


"Did we have something before I got hurt?" He stayed quiet and lowered his head

"Not really...But we kinda had something which was only like five seconds but it felt like an eternity to me.." He shrugged and made his way to the kitchen, I stood up and quickly grabbed his arm.

"Tell me" he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, making it go out of place.

"We just kissed it's not like it matters anymore" he tried to walk away but I pulled him back

"Hoseok tell me wh-"

"It was just a small kiss, like I said its not like it matters now" I let go of his arm and kept quiet. I have absolutely no words.

He sighed and looked down at me as he took a step closer to me.

"I'm sorry I'm just still mad at Jungkook"

"Did you guys get in a fight or something?"

"No yes, well uh kind of" he ran his hand against his face and muttered under his breath

"Ah jinjja.."


"Let's just say Jungkook was the reason why you lost your memory"

"He hit me with the c-car?" I slightly widened my eyes

"No! I didn't mean that, I meant that he-" he paused and took a deep breath

"His girlfriend did, he didn't know that she was onto you. But the fact that he kept dating her even though we never really liked her pissed me off and because of his fault you're like this"

"His girlfriend?"

"Ex girlfriend actually"

"I don't think Jungkook is the one to blame"

"But you've lost your memory and I saw when you got all these bruises Alyssa" his warm hands wrapped around my wrist, he looked down at me with all seriousness

"You did?" He nodded and his eyes slightly got red

"I'm sorry, you're right. It's not his fault.." He blinked quickly to prevent tears from forming in his eyes and smiled at me.

"Ah, I'm such a bad Hyung. Blaming this on the maknae... I'm just really mad about what happened to you and I really wish i could turn back time just to save you"

"Im sure you're not a bad... Hyung? Don't know what that means but I'm sure you're not, and that's really kind of you to say but we can't just turn back time. It happened, let it be" a small tear fell onto his navy blue sleeved shirt which looked familiar to me.

-Flash back-

Hoseok entered the living room again. This time he was fully dressed in his black skinny jeans and navy blue sleeved shirt.
"Sorry for the embarrassing scene earlier, I'm Hoseok"
He looked down at the ground as he turned red again.

-End of flash back-

Every single memory about Hoseok immediately played in my head. All the sweet memories I had of him, I've gained them again.

"Jung Hoseok"


"You're nasty for not putting clothes on the first day we met"
His bright smile was revealed once again.

"Ya! I didn't know you were coming"
He hugged me tightly while messing with my hair.

"I'm glad you remembered me.."

-This is so boring (sorry for typos, will edit later)

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