
207 15 1

My heart began beating quickly and I decided to start speed walking.
I felt someone getting closer and closer to me. Shit I should just run

I was about to begin running when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back

"Let go of m-"

"It's me It's me calm down" Jin said rapidly, he groped both of my shoulders to hold me still. I took a deep breath, I almost shit my pants because of this guy.
He smiled warmly at me, his brown smooth hair was covering half of his eyes. He seemed cold since he had his ripped jeans and a black jersey shirt and also he was shivering.

"What the hell Jin, couldn't you just called me instead ?"

He gave me a small bow while rubbing his hands against his arms for warmth. His arms were filled with goosebumps.

"I'm sorry we all need to take care of you, also you seemed pretty upset earlier when you left the house and I wanted to make sure you were fine"
Cold steam came out of Jin's mouth every time he spoke.

"oh, I'm fine I just wanted to get some air" I replied as I slipped my sweater off and handed it to Jin

"No no no, I'm not cold please take it back" he gave me a small chuckle

"Then what are these" I pointed at his arms which were covered in goosebumps.

"Fine but aren't you going to be cold?"
He raised his right eyebrow at me

"I have sleeves, take it"
He grabbed it from my hand and thanked me, he slipped my sweater on and gave me a nervous smile as he looked down.
We began walking home, It was pretty hard to see the side walk since the street lights don't really help. Some of them were off and some were flickering which got me a bit scared.

"I heard you were going on a date with Jungkook, is he good to you?"
He shoved his hands on his pockets and looked down at me as we walked together.

"It's not a date just a small hang out"
There's a difference between date and hanging out.

"Mhmm suree" he gave me a small shrug and nodded in agreement.

"He seems like he likes you"
Likes me? Jungkook hardly talks to me at times. Why would he like me?

"What? Nah doubt it"

"No, seriously" he said in his native language

"What makes you think he likes me?"

"He's been coming to my dorm talking how nice and cute you are ever since you moved in with us"

" 'Nice and cute' doesn't mean that he likes me"

"Aly I know this stuff because obviously I'm a guy" he said with a small laugh and elbowed my arm playfully

"I still doubt he like m-"

"Do you like him?" He grinned at me

Should I even tell him?

"He's alright"
I shrugged

"Don't lie to me"

"Okay maybe"

"Ah ha! I knew it" he clapped his hands together once and almost jumped in excitement. 'I knew it'? Was I making it that obvious?


"I just imagined you guys would have something, like a small spark and it's happening!" He was smiling ridiculously.

"I still don't understand why you're very happy"

"Well, let's just say I like you better than her"


"Her? Who's her?"
I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in confusion

"Jungkook hasn't told you?"

I was completely lost. Who's 'her'?

"Told me what?"

"Ah so he hasn't"

"I'm lost"

"Well" he paused for a while and rubbed the back of his neck
"Jungkook has a girlfriend right now but everyone doesn't really like her or get along with her, they've been arguing with each other for as long as I could remember. I think they might be done soon"

My heart felt like it just got punched really bad, Jungkook has a girlfriend?
I mean I really don't care, maybe, but why didn't he tell me he has someone? I mean he doesn't have to but..
Ah I'm sounding like a bitch.
We almost kissed and he was okay with that??

"Oh" I nodded my head slightly, Jin stopped walking. I kept going.

"Aly, don't get upset I didn't mean to..."
I kept walking, I don't even know why I feel like this right now. My eyes began to water a bit and I just lowered my head.
Why am I feeling this way? We don't even have a thing going on.

"Aly cmon"
I heard Jin's footsteps growing closer and closer until he finally caught up with me.
"Aly look at me"
I didn't look

He grabbed my wrist and he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me gently and warmly.
"It's okay to feel like this"
He rubbed his hand on my back and gave me gentle pats.
I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt his shirt getting moist.
"It's okay it's okay" he kept whispering repeatedly.

-Small time skip-

We arrived home 10 minutes before midnight, Jin took me to a coffee shop because we were still kinda far from home and we were cold. So we stayed there drinking coffee and talking until Tae picked us up.
Honestly talking to Jin made me feel better.
I'm still kinda bummed about Jungkook. Maybe I should just let it be for a while or something.

I grabbed my phone and lightly pressed on the home button which revealed my lockscreen.
'2:33 a.m.'

I'm not even tired I drank too much coffee today. I kept looking up at the ceiling, thinking.
I have two 'dates' today.
Yoongi and Jungkook
How am I even going to do this?
I should tell Jungkook that we can go at night since he asked me last.
I still don't know where to go with Yoongi since he told me to choose.
I'm terrible when it comes to decisions

A/N: I'm sorry if this is getting boring, I'm trying 😂😭.
But ty for reading this trash 💕
I'll try and update tomorrow if I can
Sorry for typos I'll edit later

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