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I'm not sure how long was I standing there.
I kept rewinding the moment when Jungkook kissed my cheek, I'm just standing there like an idiot with his sweater in my hand.
I wasn't sure if someone was calling my name but I was just focusing on the fact that Jeon Jungkook just did that.

"ALY!!" Someone began shaking my body to snap me back to reality. I realized it was Natalie, she was in her grey sweatpants and she was wearing a T-shirt that had the word 'Busan' on the back of her shirt with black bold letters. Her hair was everywhere, well it was in a bun... A messy bun

"Whaaaat" I rubbed my eyes and she stopped.

"Why are you standing here at 12 in the morning? Are you okay?" She had a worried look on her face, honestly I couldn't even think straight. I was still overwhelmed

"Why are you awake anyway"

"I heard someone yelling something and checked and saw you standing here"
She seriously hears everything from like a damn mile away. I swear I think she could hear a needle drop on a wooden floor and she'll be up checking.

"Jungkook" I softly replied to her back almost in a whisper



"What about him"



"He kissed my cheek" I said in a soft tone as i placed my hand lightly on the same spot where he had pecked me a kiss on.

She grabbed my wrist and my keys from my front pocket and unlocked my front door. She pulled me in and made me sit down on the couch before she turned the lights on, after she closed the door and placed my keys in the small key hanger we have by the door she sat down facing me.

"Talk" she said
"What's this 'kiss' about"
She's seriously like my second mother

"Well, not exactly a kiss kiss"
I sat down facing her and crossed my legs.

"What do you mean 'kiss kiss'"

" I mean, it didn't involve lips"

"Talk child"

"So Jimin invited me to go to the movies right, and turns out he brought Jungkook along. Later when we finished with the movie and all they wanted me to meet the rest of Bangtan. Do you have any fucking idea how I mentally died? It's hell when you can't fangirl. Then Jungkook wanted to walk me home bc Jimin was getting sleepy so he gave me his sweater and kissed my cheek"

"he kissed your cheek?"
She raised her eyebrows

"Yes.." I said in a small voice

"Ah seriously I thought something more intense happened. Maybe he likes you?"

"Doubt it " I replied as I crossed my arms

"Then why are you freaking out about it?"

"Why wouldn't I?"


"You should go back home, it's getting late"

"Nah I'll stay here besides my parents aren't coming home till 4 in the morning" she sighed and rubbed her eyes with her palms.

Natalie and I slept on the living room, we both slept on the couch. It was around 3 in the morning when I felt footsteps, it was my mother. She's seriously going to overwork herself and I'm getting more and more worried.

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