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Hyeon-seo and her sister were at the door and Jungkook gave Hyeon-seo a quick kiss on her forehead before letting them in.
My heart suddenly felt shattered into small pieces.
He really believes her..

"You made this happen!" She began yelling at me but Taehyung stood in front of me causing her to take a step back.

"She was the reason why Jungkook and I broke up"

I rolled my eyes as I heard her talk.

"Prove it" Yoongi said as he walking in the living room with a bowl of kimchi friend rice on his right hand and his chopsticks on his left.

"She left her phone in class today and my sister found it unlocked" she grabbed the phone from her pocket and handed it to Jungkook.

Jungkook swiped his finger to the right causing my phone to reveal the homescreen.

No password?

"Go to the messages and see for yourself"

Jungkook began reading some of the messages and he placed his hand over his mouth.

"So you were the one sending these"

"Sending what?"

"Remember when I said that a friend of mine supposedly found Hyeon-seo having sex with some other guy?"

"Yeah?" Jimin replied


"She was the one sending them. It was never him that was sending them to me.."

He passed the phone on to Namjoon and they all read them one by one.

"This is bullshit you took my phone in school when I wasn't looking and paid Jessica to do this huh?"
I said almost yelling at her

"Who's Jessica?" Hyeon-na said as she gave me a small grin.

"You bitch.."
I said under my breath and went in for a punch but Jimin pulled me back

"Calm down.." He whispered in my ear and held me tight.

"There's more, look what we found in her locker this morning"
Hyeon-na grabbed a blond wig from her bag and held it out in front of me.

"The same exact wig that she wore when she was stealing your clothes from you boys"

"Alyssa.." Namjoon looked over at me with a disappointed look.

"You actually believe them?"

"Well it seems that everything they're saying is getting somewhere"

"2 out of 7" Hyeon-seo said as she crossed her arms.

"One last thing, check her messages on Twitter"
I'm about to rip her into pieces. Why is she doing all this crap?
Namjoon pressed his finger on the Twitter app and went to my messages.

"You were telling them about us?!?"
Jungkook said as he took a step closer to me but Jin pushed him back

"She didn't do this Jungkook don't you realize that Hy-"

"Hyeon-seo is telling the truth!"

"She's fucking with your mind Jungkook! Do you honestly think Alyssa would do this type of bull shit!?"

"She clearly did! Hyung! Can't you see?? Evidence right in front of your eyes why aren't you agreeing!?"

"Enough of this Jungkook!"

"You know what"
Jungkook walked closer to me and pointed at me

"I don't want to see you anymore get out"

"Jungkook stop this alrea-" Hoseok was cut off by Jungkook

"Get out"


"No, he wants me out. You won't see me ever again Jeon Jungkook you have my word"
I headed towards the door and slammed it shut behind me.
All I heard was yelling

I ran

The sky was getting darker and darker each minute

I kept running
I wanted to run until I pass out.

My eyes began watering, I'm not sure if it was the raindrops that were running down my face or my tears.

She'll just continue to make my life miserable

Small drops of water were hitting my face as I ran.

Suddenly it began raining hard.

I kept running and didn't turn back.

"Aly!" I heard a familiar voice said.

I ignored it.

I ran probably two or three blocks and began panting deeply.


I heard that voice again

I ignored it

My life felt crushed

I don't know what to do.

My clothes were completely wet and it made me feel uncomfortable.
My eyes were beginning to close, I couldn't open them. They weren't in my control anymore.
I did my best to keep them open but all I saw was the wet sidewalks and the small road where cars were passing by.

I ran again

But faster

"You caused all of this!" I kept repeating her stupid voice in my head

I wanted to run as far away as possible.
No one cares anymore

My mom doesn't even pick up my calls, I don't even know if she's doing fine.

My dad left me

Natalie's away

I just wanted to disappear

I ran across the street and heard something fall. I looked back and saw my inhaler laying on the road.
I walked back and picked it up and started at it.

"I don't need you.."
I threw it as far as I could and when I turned to my right
All I saw was a light and a loud honk

A light that was heading towards me.


"Can you hear me?"

"Please breathe"

"Wake up!"

"Don't go.."

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