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A week passed and Jungkook didn't talk to any of us. He's still doubting that Hyeon-seo caused all those rumors, now he leaves the house more often, he eats at night when everyone is asleep and he's always in his room.

He's also being rude, not just the guys but even me.

Today's the end of my summer vacation and back to the living hell which I call school.
I grabbed my uniform from my closet and placed them on the bed before going to the bathroom.
I did my hair headed back to the room, I didn't feel like putting any makeup on. I still look like crap even though i have makeup on anyway.
As soon as i got dressed I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar that was laying on the counter.

"Where are you going?" A familiar voice said as I placed the granola bar in my pocket.

"School?" I pinched my polo shirt as he walked closer to me.

"Oh it's today?"

"I mentioned it all last week Namjoon"

"Oh my bad" he stretched his arms up and yawned a little too loud.

"I'll give you a ride" He grabbed his keys from the dining table and tilted his head to the side as a 'let's go' sign.

"That's probably a bad idea"


"There's some fans and you know they might freak out and stuff"

"Relax I'm only going to drop you off its not like if I'm going to get out of the car"

"Alright fine" I nodded and accepted his offer.

"Have you eaten yet? Or are you just going to eat that granola bar?"

"The granola bar is fine"

He sighed and chucked softly

"Sit I'll try to cook something for you"

"You? Kim Namjoon? Cook in Jin's kitchen?"

"Haha very funny Rivera. Now sit down I'm being nice"

I chuckled and sat down at the dining table.

-time skip-
I tapped my pencil against my desk as the teacher wrote a math problem on the board, the sound of people having side conversations were annoying me. This day started off stressing and lonely ,it's already the first day of school and I have a ton of homework due. Natalie isn't coming to La until next week, so I'll be dealing with the people I hate alone.
I'll have to sit alone in lunch
I'll just be lonely

School life is just great.

I heard some girls whispering a name to each other behind me

My name

I turned my head slightly back and saw her with the corner of my eye. Hyeon-na

"It was you.."

"What was me?"

"You're the one who was with Yoongi and Jungkook"

"What makes you say that?

She grabbed her phone and zoomed in to a picture of me and Yoongi crossing the street when we went to go get coffee. She held it a few inches away from my face

"Don't lie, I know it was you"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes

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