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*Alyssa's Pov*

I had explained the small misunderstanding to Natalie after Jimin and Jungkook went home.
It definitely looked wrong in a way, Natalie thought Jungkook was trying to you know...
That one word that has three letters.
Starts with S and rhymes with next.
Ah, you know what I mean.
Anyway it's currently midnight and I'm here laying on my bed while Natalie is walking in circles talking about her date with Jimin. I let her borrow some of my clothes since the she was too lazy to go back home and change.

"So after we ate and all he took me to like this hill and we just looked up at the st-"

"Did he kiss you?" I cut her off, I wanted to know so bad. I just wanted money not gonna lie.
She grabbed her phone and slid her phone case off. She keeps money hidden inbetweeen her case and her phone , it's pretty smart but what if you loose your phone? You're screwed, no phone or money.
Anyways, she handed me the five bucks she owed me.

"How the hell did you even know he was gonna kiss me?"
She said as she placed her phone ontop of my laptop.

"Eh" I shrugged "he's Jimin, for me he's more like the romantic, teasing and kinky type of guy"


"Kiddinggggg, sheesh"
But honestly, I always thought of Jimin like that. When I watch Jimin focused videos on YouTube he's either bitting his lip or taking his tongue out.

"I don't like that word"
She sat on my bed and grabbed my Bangtan pillow
"You may want to hide these for now Aly" she pointed at my posters.

"It's not like if I'm gonna let them inside my room or anything"
I shrugged

"They'll find out sooner or later and I'm not sure if they'll be happy that we kinda lied to them" her eyebrows frowned

What if they found out? Would they actually be mad at us? I really don't want anything terrible to happen, like them not speaking to us anymore.
They're really nice and fun guys, I really don't want anything to happen between us.

"Maybe you should tell Jimin first"

"Oh hell no, he just asked me out. What if he gets mad or something?"

Wait, 'he asked me out'.
I knew something happened, well other than the kiss.
"I knew it, I fucking knew it"

"Yeah yeah, but that's not important right now"

"Fine, I'll see what we can do tomorrow"

"Umm, turn that 'we' to 'I' "
She said nervously with a small chuckle

"Okay what's up. Spill"

"I have a game tomorrow and I have to help out my aunt at her restaurant so I'm not sure when I'll be home"

Well shit, I guess I'm on my own.
I sighed and rubbed my forehead in a circular motion.
"Alright I'll see what I'll do"

"Just try and talk it out with Namjoon I'm sure he'll understand"

I never actually thought of this, I really didn't want to tell them. But I have to anyway, I really have no choice. It's either them finding out or me telling them and I most certainly don't want them to find out by themselves

"Are you feeling better?"
She placed her hands on my neck, she always does this to see if I have a fever or not. She's been doing this ever since we were kids.
"Yeah, Jungkook gave me some tea that actually made me feel better" I replied as she kept feeling the warmth of my neck

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