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He left to his dorm when we finished talking. It was about 5 in the morning when he left.
We didn't do anything, we just talked.
But he got me scared when he said
'So can you kiss me instead?'
It turns out it was only a joke, but he didn't seem as if he was kidding.
Anyway it's already 6:36 in the morning and I heard Yoongi rapping free style when he was walking down the hallway. Maybe he's going to get food or something, by just thinking of the word 'food' my stomach began growling.

I sighed deeply and slowly got out of bed, I slowly approached the door and got out. I tried not making a sound when I was walking down the hallway. I don't want to wake boys up, i heard that Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi came home back home pretty late, so i didn't want to wake up anyone.

I finally got to the kitchen and found Yoongi on his tippy toes trying to reach out for a cereal box on the top shelf.
He glazed over at me
"Why up so early?" He jumped and knocked the cereal box with his hand and grabbed it.

"I couldn't sleep so.." I rubbed the inner corner of my right eye and leaned my shoulder against the wall.

"That makes two of us, I didn't sleep at all either" he grabbed a red bowl from the cabinets and placed it on the counter. "Did you have a bad dream or somethin- wait was it because of your asthma? Are you hurt or anything?"

"My breathing is fine, I just couldn't sleep that's all"

"Oh, thank god" he deeply exhaled and poured his cereal in his bowl. His little bags under his eyes made him look even more tired.

"You should get some sleep when you're done eating or something" I suggested

"Nah I was planning on buying coffee for everyone after I eat"
He slowly tilted the carton of milk and filled his bowl half way.
"Wanna come with?"

I got nothing to do so why not?
I nodded and he gave me smile in agreement.

"Alright get dressed.. Um, you're not going out like that" he pointed at me and I looked down. My shorts were clearly above my knees.
I changed my sweats to shorts earlier because my room was too hot so I changed after he left in the morning.

"Yes father" I said with a small chuckle which caused him so smile.
With that being said left from the kitchen and jogged upstairs.
I changed to some black jeans and a nirvana shirt that Natalie bought for me. I took a thin grey sweater incase it gets cold, Los Angeles has crazy weather. In the morning is freezing and foggy then in the afternoon is like a burning hell.

I was tying my shoes when I heard a soft knock coming from my door.
"I'm almost done Yoongi hold up"
There was no response.

I got up and slowly approached the door.

"..its Jungkook, can I come in?"
His deep voice made my cheeks feel hot and my heart bested a bit faster.
Wait why am I even feeling like this anyway? We're just friends, but why do I get like this?
I turned the door knob and Jungkook quickly got in and leaned his back on the door.

"Um, what's wrong?" I said as he slipped his phone in his pocket.

"I never got the chance to talk to you but I guess now is a good time?"

i nodded and tied the sweater around my waist, he slipped his phone out of his pocket and looked at a kakao notification that he just got. i read "babe" with a little heart emoji next to it, great now im being nosy.

he has a girlfriend?

he looked up at me and gave me a smile, he quickly hid his phone on his pocket

"ahh, are you doing anything tomorrow?" he scratched the back of his head and bit his pink lower lip gently.

"Don't think so why?" i began chipping the nail polish off of my nails, why the hell am i getting nervous? he's just asking a question that's it.

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