She planned this?

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I turned my head towards the door and saw Taehyung coming in with his shirt half on with a scared look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you hear!?"

He knows?

"About what?"

"I'm going to be in a historical drama!" He gave me his famous rectangle smile and jumped in excitement.

"Really? When?"

"Well they'll need me around next month but I can't wait!"
He clapped his hands together and hugged me, a little too tight. I smiled and patted his back, this little dork is already going to be an actor.
He pulled away slowly as he still smiled widely.

"Uh Tae, have you seen the articles on Allkpop's Twitter?"

"No why?"

"There's rumors about Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin"

"Rumors?! What abou- Wait did they release that one video of me sleeping??"

"Uh no.."

"Okay good, continue"

"They have rumors of J-"
Jimin quickly entered the dining room with his phone on his hand

He finished off for me.

"Natalie?!" Taehyung asked


"You didn't see the paparazzis??"

"Well clearly I didn't, I was so caught up in the moment I didn't see they were around!"

"You little shit! You want to get us killed by our fucking manager!??"
Suddenly Yoongi came in and had the selfie stick they use for the v app broadcasts on his hand and swung it a little everytime he spoke.

"Put it down" I said as I took a small step back. He lowered it and placed it on the table.

"I'm sorry okay! I didn't see them and I'll talk to the manager about this"

"What else did they say?" Taehyung turned to me as he sighed

"They saw Jungkook and Yoongi with me"

"Aha! You didn't see them either so stop putting everything on me!"

"Don't talk to me like that" he said with a disgusted look on his face.


"Wait what if they heard Jungkook and Hyeon-Seo yesterday?" Taehyung asked as he rested his arm on my shoulder.

"Doubt it, it was like around three in the morning or something when they were arguing" Jimin replied

"They were pretty loud though.." Yoongi shrugged

I pretended like I didn't know, also I wanted to know a little more about her.

"She's Jungkook's girlfriend, well was actually. Jungkook has a friend back in Busan and he's been telling him that he's been seeing Hyeon-Seo with another guy and they slept together a few times." Jimin explained

"But we hate that bitch so we're good"
Yoongi added.

Jin came in with Namjoon, they probably just woke up. Jin's shirt was down a bit revealing his collarbone more and his shoulder. Also their hair is everywhere and they're still in their sleep wear.

"We heard yelling now wh-" Jin paused and looked at Jimin and Tae then at me.

"What did you guys do this time?"

"Allkpop has rumors about Jimin kissing Natalie when they went on their date and how Jungkook and I are seeing Aly"

"Wait when did they post this?" Namjoon asked

"A few minutes ago" I grabbed my laptop and rubbed the mousepad with my finger to awake my laptop. I typed my password in and showed Namjoon

"Jimin when was your first date with Natalie?" He asked

"Uh about 3 months ago why?"

He started at the screen and muttered something to himself

"Bring Jungkook"

"Hyung he's asleep"

"Wake his ass up and bring Hobi too"
Jimin did as he was told and exited the room to go find the boys.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It might be Hyeon-Seokjin who did this"

"What do you mean?"

Jimin came in with Hoseok and Jungkook, both with their eyes half open and walking slowly.

"What did you tell Hyeon-seo earlier?"
Namjoon asked as he read the article off my laptop

Jungkook sat down on the chair and took a deep sigh


"Just tell me what you said to her"

"I told her I was done, I ended our relationship."

"And she didn't mention us? Like making our lives miserable or something?"

"No why?"

"Hyung? What are you trying to say?"
Taehyung asked

"All these articles are just now being released, Jimin had his date with Natalie three months ago, Yoongi went out with Aly a few weeks ago. These should've all been released the day they first saw them, why until now? Hyeon-seo might have done this"

"Nonsense, why would she do such a thing?" Jungkook scoffed

"That is pretty suspicious though, think of it all these articles could've been out that same day but why until now?"
Jin said

"She planned this?"

"What if Hyeon-seo did this?"
Hoseok said with a small yawn, which caused me to yawn as well.

"Enough with her! She didn't do this okay?"
I looked over a Jungkook. He looked really upset, both of his hands were turned into fists. Why is he suddenly defending her?

"Jungkook it's oka-"

He cut me off and looked at me as if he wanted me dead already.

"Don't" he scoffed and walked out of the room.

Why is he acting like this?

"Jungkook" Jimin began following him out but Jin stopped him.

"Leave him"

Namjoon refreshed the Twitter feed, the small icon Twitter bird appeared on the top of the screen as it refreshed.
New rumors

'Is BTS hidding someone??'

Namjoon closed the laptop and took a deep breath

"It's definitely Hyeon-seo"

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