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*Alyssa's Pov*

I'm sorry.." A voice kept repeating over and over again. I woke up a few minutes ago but I'm too scared to open my eyes. I felt someone grab my hand earlier and whispering small curses to himself. My curiosity kept rising even more as I heard crying and whispering.

Who are these people?

"She's waking up" I heard someone say.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings.
7 guys with crazy hair colors and a girl.

"About time you woke up, you got us really worried"
An orange headed boy with his hair tied up in a little ponytail said as he leaned against the wall.

"You want me to buy you coffee later when we're out?" Another boy slightly shorter than the orange headed one added on.

I looked at each one of them as I rose my eyebrows.
I glanced over at the young boy who was resting his elbows on the bed I was on and slid my hand away from his grip.
I slightly opened my mouth, thinking of something to say.

"Who are you?" I said almost in a whisper.

His eyebrows rose and his jaw dropped.
They all looked at each other. Two of them gasped and one of them placed their hand on their head, gripping his blonde hair.

"Why are you here? Who are you? All of you?!"

I heard a slight chuckle coming from a pink headed guy.

"Alright Alyssa stop trying to scare us it's not working"

"She's not faking this young man, it seems that during the accident she hit the back of her head pretty bad and lost some of her memories, but she was lucky enough to survive"
An older man walked in the door with a clipboard on his hand.

"I was in an accident?" I asked as I sat up and realized I had a small thin tube that was connected to some machine to my right and was placed in my nose, it helped me breathe. My lungs felt a little sore and my head felt terribly dizzy. I was almost seeing double.

"It involved a car hitting you..." the creep that was holding my hand said as he slowly lowered his head.

"But don't worry, the good thing is you're alive" he added on as a tear fell from his cheek onto the bed.

"Is there anyway we can get her memory back Doctor?"

"Yes, you will have to help her remember. Take her out where you've held small memories and little by little she will gain her full memory back"
The elderly said

"What's my name again?" I asked as I lowered my head a bit.

"Alyssa.." Said the girl that was standing to my right

"And what's yours?"


"Are we friends?" I said as I slightly squinted my eyes

"Best friends actually"

...Best friends?


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