Phone call

346 28 0

"You won't guess
what happened"


"So you know how you had to go to your game?"


"Well I stayed at the cafe and I met someone"

*Long silence*


"Yeah? Yeah?"

"Are you falling asleep?"

"Uh, no"

"Stay up idiot, I met Jimin "

"...You're kidding right"

"Hell no, I'm serious"

"BTS isn't coming till like next week"

"I'm being serious right now"


"Natalie, I'm not joking"

"I'll believe it when I see him"

" I had to act like I didn't know him so I'm not so sure about that "

"W-what? Why!"

"Because it'll make him feel weird and it would've stopped our convo"


"Oh and We exchanged numbers"



"wait was Jungkook there?"

"Ah so you believe me now?"

"Well maybeee"

"Sure, and he wasn't there"

"It was just Jimin? "

"Pretty much, so how was the game?"

"we lost, by like 5 points"

"Damn, well you tried man. Now get some rest alright?"

"Ya, I will."


"Alright then Im headed to bed, night"

"Later bitch"

"Respect me "




                 *Call ended*

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