Coffee shop

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I was awakened by the ray of sunlight coming out of the blinds. I rubbed my eyes and slowly stretched while yawning loudly. I sleep crazy so my hair goes everywhere, finding my blanket was on the ground i picked it up and fixed my bed before I looked over at the clock that was on my white shelf. Squinting my eyes to try to focus on the digits on the clock and read


"Shit!" I said as I quickly ran to my closet and changed to my last minute emergency clothes i always wear when im in a rush which are just a plain T-shirt and mixed jeans.
I tied half of my hair in a ponytail and let the rest of my hair down, I still have some navy blue highlights on the tips of my hair but they're fading now. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and headed towards the bathroom. I tiptoed so I could see myself properly on the mirror, I'm pretty short, almost 5'2, I think. I did my small winged eyeliner which luckily came even for the first time along with some mascara and finished off by brushing my teeth. I jogged to the living room and there was no sight of my mom

-flash back-

"Alyssa, I'll be leaving tomorrow for work around 6 in the morning so don't bother looking for me"

I squinted my eyes, I was half asleep and rolled to my side. Looking over to my left i read the time, 4:38a.m.

" yeah yeah okay"i said carelessly and closed my eyes as i made myself comfortable again, I felt her lips agaisnt my foreghead and then heard the door close

-end of flashback-


Finishing paper work at a late time again.
I ran out of the house and locked the door behind me as Slipped my phone in my pocket. Thank god the coffee shop was just two blocks away, that way i wouldn't be late, I speed walked until I finally arrived. As soon as I opened the door I was immediately greeted by the warmth and delicious scents that filled the coffee shop.The burgundy walls filled with posters of meaningful quotes from famous artists, i always come here every weekend, I like to spend my free time here thinking while sipping my coffee. The coffee shop was pretty small but they get visited by customers very frequently.
I sat on an empty table that was next to the window that had a beautiful view of the park right across the street, it was a table for two. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Instagram, My nails are growing long so every time I pressed on my screen there was a 'Tick' sound every time my nail met my screen which irritated me. I will cut them soon

I waited for Natalie for about 10 minutes. Sitting down, as time passed I was getting worried and decided to call her, I pressed the green button and held my phone by my ear. It rung 4 times until she finally picked up.

Her voice sounded like she was out of breath. "Aly, are you at the Café already?"

" Yeah I got here like 10 minutes ago, where are you?"

"Sorry, something came up. I have a volleyball game today my coach just called me. Im looking for my knee caps and I can't seem to find them. I'm terribly sorry I didn't really know about practice...umm how about tomorrow?" Her voice has a tone of disappointment, sounding like she really wanted to meet me.

"Don't worry about it , now go kick some ass" I said as I smiled. Natalie was one of the best volleyball players in her team, without her they would've sucked, in my perspective. She started playing volley ball in middle school, she would always ask me to join with her but I'm not really into sports.

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