Save me

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A week passed by very quickly, as quick as a blink. The guys have been vlogging way too often and I have to make sure not to be seen when they're live on this app called V app.

Also my memory is slowly coming back, Namjoon has taken me places where I have been with them and it actually helped me. Only a slight problem, I only remember Hoseok and Jimin. I walked down stairs to the living room in search of Yoongi because I let him borrow my earphones, instead I saw Taehyung sitting back on the couch with his right leg over his other leg. He kept muttering something under his breath that i couldn't understand.

"Morning" I said with a small yawn as I rubbed the corners of my eyes. He quickly got up from the couch and approached me as he rubbed his hands nervously, or at least i think he was.

"Ya help me calm down, I'm seriously freaking out" He grabbed my wrist and gave it a small squeeze.

"Whats wrong?"

"I have a date and I'm shaking so bad, Is my hair good? What about my makeup? "

"You look fine, handsome actually. Where do you plan on taking Jungkook" I chuckled as Taehyung gave me a small glare. Those boys have the most weirdest bromance ever, Taehyung took a shower with Jungkook two days ago.

"Ya I'm not into guys silly"

"Joking, continue"

"I plan on taking her shopping and then we'll go eat"

"Not bad, when are you picking her up?"

"She said she'll meet me here when she's off work"I raised an eyebrow at him

"Shouldn't you pick her up instead?"

"Is it bad if I don't?"

"Yes" He widened his eyes and grabbed his car keys that were hanging from the key hanger and grabbed his jacket.

"Shit then i have to get going she finishes work in 10 minutes, bye!" With that he was about to exit the house until I reminded him about his mouthmask.

"Mouthmask" He immediately stopped what he was doing and dashed to the small table we have in the middle of the living room and grabbed his white mask that was laying.

"I'll see you later tonight!" He slammed the door behind him and i saw him run to his car out the window.

"Taehyung has a date?" I heard Namjoon approach me from behind, he laid on the couch and placed his phone ontop of his chest.

"I wish his date the best of luck with our idiot" I chuckled and reached out for the water bottle that i left by the couch yesterday.

"You look really tired, did you even sleep?" I poked his side which made him giggle slightly, Namjoon is seriously very ticklish. My finger could be inches away from his skin and he'll start laughing.

"Sorta, I was writing lyrics with Yoongi Hyung last night" he let out a small sigh, his bags under his eyes looked worse than ever.

So this explains why him and Yoongi are always tired, all of them have been going to dance practice. They always take me with them and they dance almost nonstop. I prepare towels, water and a few snacks for them when they have practice. With me seeing them practice all the time i learned some of the moves from a song called fire, I was told not to tell anyone about the songs and choreo.

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