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"Guys!" Jimin walked towards us and slipped his phone in his pocket. Jungkook and I looked over at him as he approached us.
He pointed at the theater room.
"Lesssss gooooo" he said with a smile. The people that were in there were all gone, i guess me and Jungkook didn't realize when they left. We walked inside and almost everything was completely dark, There were small lights  on the side of the stairs. Jimin and Jungkook already picked the seats out when we payed for our tickets, Which were the seats in the corner of the room and that meant stairs.

Lots of stairs

Have a mentioned that I hate stairs? Well if I did then I'll say it again, I really hate them. No explanation why but I just do. I sat In between Jimin and Jungkook, could this get any better

Jungkook kept poking my side when he wanted more popcorn, He's known me for like 2 hours and never thought he would get comfortable with me already. Jimin had his own popcorn, I told him that Jungkook and I would share because I didn't want him to pay more and also because I never finish my popcorn.
I placed the bag In between my thighs, a few minutes later I saw Jungkook's hand reach out for the popcorn and grabbed handfuls of it some dropped on my thighs but I didn't really mind at the moment, but he instead kept saying sorry repeatedly.
"Sorry sorry sorry sorry"
He said quickly while cleaning the popcorn off my legs with his sleeve.

When the movie ended I turned to look at the maknae. He was still with his hoodie on and his arms crossed.
I tapped his shoulder
"You okay?"

He rubbed his eyes with the his palm and squinted his eyes up at the lights.
"Yeah, I'm just tired"

"YJimin lets gooooo" with a loud yawn and a pat on Jimin's back he said loudly.
Jimin stretched and let out a small yawn.
"Alright alright. Let's go"
Jimin grabbed my wrist when we were carefully going down the stairs, such a gentle men.
When we were at the hallway we threw away all of our trash.

"The movie was good"
Jimin said as he rubbed the inner corner of his eyes.
"You were laughing pretty loud" I said with a chuckle.
Jimin was seriously dying of laughter, the movie was pretty funny but he was extra. He would tap on my shoulder and point at the screen as he laughed uncontrollably.

"I knowww"
He pouted and punched my arm gently.
"We should get going, your mom will probably be looking for you" Jungkook said as he looked at the ground.
"Right" jimin said as an agreement

"Oh no no no. Don't worry about that, my mom isn't going to be home till like 2 in the morning"

"2!?!"Jungkook and Jimin said in harmony.

"Yeah I know"

"Well, we still have a few hours till midnight" Jimin said as he looked at his watch. Midnight? What time does this boy plan on taking me home?!

"She should meet the guys" Jungkook said to Jimin with a slight smile.
"She should" Jimin said as he clapped his hands quickly, then gave him a thumbs up.

"The Guys? Oh your band right?"
"Well if you don't mind"
Jimin said.

"I'd love to" I said with a smile, but I know deep inside I was screaming in victory.

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