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When I got home Jin was on the phone, I placed my backpack on the couch before giving Jin a small bow.
I've gotten used to them now, now when I arrive home from school I bow to them as if they were my parents. Which they kinda are?

"Thank you for understanding, have a good day" he hung up and pointed at me.

"You're not going to school for a month young lady"


"I just called your school and told them that you have a family emergency and that supposedly you're leaving today"

"Jin i told you to wait a little longer Hyeon-na is try-"


"She's the one behind this, I overheard her saying that she'll pay some girl for text messages? And something about a video that she showed Jungkook"

"Seriously?? Did you record it?"


"You didn't, didn't you.."


"Alyssa! You just had evidence you should've recorded her!"

I've never felt so stupid in my life, I sighed and walked to my room

"I need rest"

"Dinner's at 6 don't fall asleep for too long"

I made my way to my room and quickly changed to tights and a T-shirt underneath a grey sweater. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling and small memories were playing in my head.

Good and small memories.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

"Foods ready!" I heard Jin say behind my door.
I sat up and rubbed the corners of my eyes. I got up and walked downstairs.

The smell of Kimchi fried rice and other delicious foods got stronger as I made my way to the kitchen. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok and Jimin were placing small dishes around the table as Taehyung filled plastic cups with soda.

I greeted them with small bow and helped them prepare the table.

"Alyssa can you call ju-"

I gave Namjoon a small look

"Uhh Jimin go get Jungkook please"

He nodded and exited the dining room. I took a seat next to Yoongi and patted my pockets in search for my phone.

"Hey have you guys seen my phone?"

"Nope" they all said in unison

Jimin entered the room with Jungkook by his side. Jungkook had his hoodie on and lowered his head when he saw me. Jimin purposely sat two seats away from me leaving an empty seat next to me. I gave him a small glare which made him wrinkle his nose at me.

"Sit down" Jin said as he grabbed his metal chopsticks that were laying on his bowl. Everyone began grabbing their chopsticks and started eating.
Jungkook gave me a look before he took a seat next to me.
He grabbed his chopsticks and grabbed the piece of meat that I was about to get.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed another piece.

"Are you finally done being a child now?"
Yoongi said as he stuffed his face with food, Jungkook stayed quiet and stared at his bowl.


I grabbed a piece of shrimp with my chopsticks from a bowl and placed it on my plate as I heard them talk.

"Until she admits that she was the reason why me and Hyeon-seo broke up"

Hoseok scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Ya maknae enough with that"

"You're acting more stupid than me" Taehyung added as he took a sip from his drink.

"Hyeon-seo was right.."
He placed a piece of meat in his mouth

"Enough with her already " Namjoon placed his chopsticks down and glared at him.

"Stop with this bullshit already, do you really believe everything that bitchy little mouth of her says?"

"Don't talk about her like that Hyung, you don't know her like I do"

"I absolutely know how she is, from all the times she's been in our house back in Korea we know her stupid little actions"

"Stop Hyung.."

He stuffed his mouth with rice and scoffed,
Yoongi gave me a slight smile as he grabbed a napkin from across the table.
The sound of the door bell suddenly rung which caused Jungkook to get up from his chair.

"Who did you invite?" Jin said

"Evidence" he said as he walked out leaving us looking at each other confusingly.
We all got up other than Yoongi and walked to the living room.


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