Adoptive Parent

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"what do you want to watch?" I laid back against the couch and let out a small groan as my spine cracked.

"Your choice.." Jungkook said as he locked his hands together and made himself comfortable beside me on the edge of the couch. Why does he always act scared when I'm around? He's either looking away or speaking very slow in a small voice.

"But I always choose" I said in a annoyed tone


"See, that wasn't so hard right?" I changed the channel to nickelodeon and glanced at him with the corner of my eye.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT" The door flew open and the grey headed boy quickly got in and locked the door. He panted heavily as he tried to catch his breath.

"What happened?" I sat up from the couch and watched him as he placed his bag on the floor while panting.

"Armys...e-everywhere, they chased me for like 2 blocks but I think I lost th-"

"Oppa!!" A girl started hitting our front window with her hands as the other recorded with her phone. Her eyes widened when she saw me and placed her hand n her mouth. Yoongi pulled me towards him so that way they wouldn't see me. I stayed by the door and heard how fangirls began to multiply each second screaming Yoongi's name. How can they even live like this? I would've been irritated in seconds since I have no patience.

Jin walked in with his eyes widened as he walked in the living room from the kitchen.
"Shit they found us!?"


"Oh this is bad...we need to warn the manager"
Jim walked upstairs as he placed his phone on his ear.

"Jungkook, close the curtains" Yoongi said to Jungkook who was paying no attention to what was happening because he was on his phone got up and closed all the curtains in the living room.

"where were you anyway? and ow did they even find you?" I sat down again on the couch and sighed as I pushed my hair back behind my ear. I placed a pillow on my lap and rested my elbows on it.

"Well, i was at a small plaza and i bought you something" he grabbed the plastic bag that was tied to his belt and took out a small necklace with wooden beads and a cross attached to it.

"You really didn't have t-"

"Quiet, now take it and look at this" He placed the necklace around my neck, then he handed me a small Polaroid picture of a familiar plaza. I squinted my eyes as i deeply examined the picture.

Outdoor stores..

Colorful and beautiful dresses..

It looked traditional, but oddly familiar.


"ol..Olve" he paused for a moment and squinted his eyes as he tried to sound out the word


A small chuckle escaped my lips and gave him a nod

"Yes, Olvera"

"what is that?"

"Well, i know for sure you've never heard of it. It's like a small mexican plaza, but i think you'll like it"

"Seems fair since the guys and I just talk about our korean culture"

It was the only place i could come up with, besides i haven't been here in years. My dad is actually mexican and my mother is Salvadorian. So i guess you kinda get the idea why i brought him here right? No, i don't miss my dad. When my dad left my mom, my mom got 3 jobs to save up money to try and raise me. So she would leave me with my dad's sister, she lived right across from our house and my mother and her are really good friends. My aunt raised me until i was 12, then i moved in with my mom when she had gathered enough money to take care of me and herself. So i basically grew up in a mexican way, You get me right?

The colorful paintings on the walls, traditional food and the music which made the place look cheerful made me feel welcomed. Yoongi was immediately fascinated by some of the clothing that they were selling in the small outdoor shops. He was actually enjoying it more than i was, he kept pulling me from place to place. He even tried the food which he loved and ate like if there was no tomorrow. It made me really glad that he actually liked it, he seemed like a small kid just by the way he kept dragging me from one place to another.

It took about 3 hours when Yoongi's energy began to drain, we sat on a bench that was close to the people that were performing in a small stage. And no, don't think that there were mariachis. It was a group a teenagers around my age singing Nothing like us by Justin Bieber. Many people of different races were gathered up hearing the youngsters sing.

-end of flash back-

"our first hang out?"

"Olvera" He said it almost too fluently that i was actually amazed by it. He giggled and hugged me tight, i only saw Jungkook staring at us with a jealous look on his face but also guilt. We pulled away from the hug when we heard the door knob turn, a smiling Kim Taehyung walked in holding hands with a young girl probably around my age or possibly older.

"Guess who's not single anymore" he said as he walked in with a huge smile on his face

"Ya, look at you~" I heard Namjoon say coming down the stairs with Hoseok and sleepy Jimin. I didn't take my eyes off the young girl, ew not like that. Just something about her seems too...too...familiar. Namjoon bowed as he introduced himself towards the girl along with the rest of the boys.

"Marlene ibnida" she bowed and smiled warmly at them.
and that's when it hit me


-flash back-

"Ah, you should've seen her she looked so beautiful"

The corners of my mouth curved to a smile as Taehyung was telling me everything. Thank god he arrived home, he's actually distracting me from the small struggle I was having earlier.

"When she had told me that she didn't work there I apologized like an idiot, really" he scratched the back of his neck and smiled at the ground
"I don't even know how we started having a conversation, it just happened"

"Someone's in love" I said teasingly, he simply just chuckled at what I said and nodded

"Yeah maybe, her name is Marlen. She's really nice, I bought her coffee and chatted for a while"

-end of flashback-

That's the Marlene that I've known my whole elementary and middle school years. I remember Taehyung and my old best friend. My lips curved to a smile as I saw how adorably they held hands and smiled at eachother.
It made me feel somewhat sad since I haven't dated anyone in years, it made me feel empty but I'll wait if I have to.

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