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    I was sitting on the kitchen table trying to start on my 5 page essay. I woke up so early today, maybe around 6 in the morning. My laptop kept lagging on me so it took forever to type a paragraph, the letters on the keyboard glowed as I thought of what to type. I had to write about how the Water cycle works and all that type of stuff. We only have 3 months, which was enough time to do everything. But I like to do my homework early so that way I have more time for myself.

I heard my phone buzz, I picked it up and typed my four digit number password and unlocked it. It was a message from Jimin. I wanted to text him yesterday for the first time but I hate being the person who starts the conversation. So this is my first time texting him, It's only been a day since we meet.

-Convo with Jimin-

Jm: Hey Aly

Me: hey

Jm: what happened to oppa? :(

Me: don't think so, I don't even know korean anyway.

Jm: alright finee. I'll just help you with it if you want. I'll be glad to teach you

Me: ouuu really?

Jm: It'll be my pleasure and you perhaps can help me with my English

Me: thank you so much and I'll be glad to :)

Jm: omg thank you, Bc I really need to study more.

Me: it's no problem!

Jm: So do you wanna meet at the café again?

Me: like right now?

Jm: if you can

Me: can't, I'm doing homework. Sorry

Jm: oh yeahhh, You're still in school. well how about later?

Me: I'll see if I'm in the mood for some coffee later.

Jm: if you don't want coffee we can go somewhere else if you want

Me: umm sure. You can choose

Jm: ah, I know a place. Can I bring someone with me? If that's alright with you

Me: yeah sure, i don't mind.

Jm: alright, just meet me by the café at 5:30?

Me: yeah sure. See ya then.

Jm: bye~

Me: later

I placed my phone on the table and looked at the clock on the microwave that was on the counter by the refrigerator on my right. It was 1:34 pm, I had enough time. My mom isn't home, she works way too much and it's worrying me now. She told me she'll be coming home late around 2am.
*sigh* I typed my essay quickly and did my best not to misspell anything. Within 10-15 minutes I was already done with my last paragraph. In total there was 7 paragraphs and about 3 pictures of the water cycle. I was glad I was done with this crap. Luckily it was just the essay and a math packet. So I decided to start on the math tomorrow.

It was 3:46pm now , I should probably go and start getting ready. I take years in the bathroom trying to get ready, so I don't wanna be late for my date with Jimin. Wait no, not date. Just as friends.
I closed my laptop and placed my notebook on top of it, as i walked to my room i almost tripped by stepping on a shoe that was laying around? I made it to my room and began looking for an outfit.
I have so much clothes but I can never decide what to wear, Then I finally chose my black skinny jeans with a black and white striped shirt with an olive green bomber jacket. It's not that bad, After I got out the shower and changed it was time to do my makeup. I honestly take forever to do my makeup, since it's still early it will give me enough time I guess.

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