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Jimin and I were at the restaurant, the place was too fancy, enough for it to look like a royal ball or something. We were sitting by one of the tables by the corners , the place wasn't too big and there wasn't much people which was good. I hate crowded places, they make me feel trapped.
After we ordered we kinda just sat there in silence for a while. Jimin was bitting his lip while having his head faced down at the table. He looked very nervous and kept tapping his finger against the table

"Mianhae, I haven't really been out on a date for a long time"
He said shaking his head nervously

"It's fine" I was trying to come up with a good conversation, my mind was completely blank. I couldn't think of anything.

"So you play volleyball right?" Jimin asked

"Yeah, I've been playing for a while now"
He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. Ah, how that kills me.

"That's really good, don't you get tanned often?"

"Yeah a little, I'm actually a little lighter than this."

"But your skin tone looks good"

I shrugged a little and thanked him.
He kept smiling while looking at me, I only looked around trying to avoid eye contact. I get pretty nervous if I talk to someone with very strong eye contact, it just makes me feel uncomfortable in a way. You feel me?
He placed his hand under my chin and made me face towards him.

"Hey, it's okay if you're nervous. You're not the only one" he smiled and pinched my cheek gently with his little chubby fingers. He had a thick silver ring on his index finger, he always wears it.

"Alright I'll do my best" I responded.

I took out my phone and looked at my lockscreen. I usually turn on and off my phone when I'm really nervous or I have nothing to do. It's just a bad habit I have.

"Ah, you like Tokyo ghoul too??"
He was referring to my Kaneki phone case I had.
I nodded and thanked the lord for a convo starter
We talked about some anime shows we liked, Jimin named atleast 14 anime shows. Sadly I only know about 8 so I did my best to keep the convo going.

When the waiter came with our food and drinks, our conversation was fading. I hardly touched my food, i had butterflies in my stomach which prevented me from eating. I just looked around and admired painting at was above Jimin's head. It was an ancient Chinese painting with some symbols. I squinted my eyes a bit and i was trying read it, I was taught mandarin during my middle school years so i can read and understand it a bit.

"what are you trying to do silly?" he looked at me with a slight grin and chuckled
I pointed at the painting above him and he looked up

"ah, you like it?"

"yeah, it's really nice" the painting had a mountain with trees around it and a waterfall by the left side of the painting. It looked amazing

 It looked amazing

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