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Alyssa was still sleeping, she's a heavy sleeper. She woke me up like 3 times under 20 minutes because she kept talking in her sleep, she talks really loud and she even kicks sometimes. I was used to it but it also scared me.

I hardly got any sleep, my legs were so damn sore when i tried to lay down on the couch next to Aly but it made it even worse if I stretched them, also i wasn't even sleepy. So i decided to text Jimin, trust me I bet he's one of those guys that probably have their messenger dry. He replies less than 10 seconds, our conversation was nice and long. We just talked about ourselves a little like our hobbies, favorite artists etc. He kept sending me these flirty texts with winky faces. I was flattered but it was kinda annoying at the same time.
He didn't stay up very long, he ended up falling asleep.

I read the time on my phone and read '6:23a.m'. I was getting really bored, I already scrolled through my Instagram feed, Posted on Tumblr, watched a small clip from a drama and ate cereal since that's the only non-seafood thing I could eat here. I had nothing else to do.
I carefully grabbed the tv remote that rested on the couch next to Aly and pressed the little green button that said 'power'.
The sound from the tv blasted around the room which made me jump in fear. I immediately pressed the mute button and placed my hand against my chest, I was panting very deeply. Stupid shit, it scared The crap out of me.

A few seconds after I muted it Aly began to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up and looked at me.

"Bro, shut up" her voice sounded like a 10 year old which made me laugh.

"Sorry" the light from the tv was hitting Aly's face. Her makeup was smeared on her upper cheek and by her eyebrow she looked silly. I covered my mouth with both of my hands and I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Why are you laughing"
She said cluelessly

I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the makeup remover packet and a stretchy. I walked back to the living room and sat next to her.

"Here let me fix you"
She sat down facing towards me and closed her eyes. I began rubbing the wipe slowly and gently over her eyes, taking her makeup off. Then I brushed her hair with my fingers and pulled it back to a ponytail.

"Done" I pushed her playfully and noticed small orange rays of sunlight were going through the white curtains.
The sun was rising already.

*Aly POV*

Natalie had already took my makeup off and pulled my hair back to a ponytail. My arms felt heavy and so did my legs. I also felt pretty lightheaded as well.

"What time is it?" I asked Natalie as she turned off the tv.

"Hold up" she grabbed her phone and checked the time
"It's 6:59am"

"Ah, it's pretty ear- wait how the hell did I end up at home? Did you bring me in a shopping cart again?"

"W-what?! No no, you fell asleep at the boy's house and Hobi carried you here" she explained

"Oh that explains" I said as I yawned and stretched my arms up "besides you're not that strong to carry me"

"Shut up" she said with a small laugh

Natalie's phone started ringing which made me startle, answering the phone and placed the phone by her ear

*Natalie Pov*


"Morning Natalie~ Come over, Jin made breakfast" Jimin's voice sounded slightly deep which sounded hot

"You just woke up?"

"Yes, why?"

"Your voice sounds lazy"

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