American Apparel

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"It's not a date we're just going to hang out that's it"

"Are you so sure about that?" He raised his eyebrows and looked down at me, am I really that small?

"Well, sorta I guess" I scratched my scalp and sighed. "It's not like if I like them or anything, we're all just friends"

"Besides why are you not dressed?" He really needs to put clothes on, the fact that he was only in his boxers I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Nah I like staying like this" he bit his plump lips and grinned.
"Why don't we go out on a date sometime?" He took a step closer to me and before I was about to speak Jungkook walked down the hallway and looked and him from head to toe.

"Hyung go put clothes on, that's disrespectful towards Aly"
Jungkook placed his phone by his ear and entered his room.

"I should go, I need to make a phone call with our manager" he walked to the end of the hallway and got in their office room which was 3 doors to my right.
I sighed and grabbed my earphones that were ontop of a pile of clothes that i had on the small couch in my room, my earphones are always tangled so i just shoved them in my front pocket. I slipped my shoes on and walked downstairs. I need air, that's all i need right now.
I slipped my sweater on as I was making my way to the door and made sure no one was noticing that I was leaving. I was about to place my hand on the knob when the door had opened.
It was Taehyung, he had his white mouth ask on his chin with his sunglasses behind his head.

"Hey Aly" he gave me his perfect rectangle smile and took the keys out of the door knob. He was carrying two white bags with the 'American Apparel' logo on the front with his left hand.

"Guess what guess what guess what!" He said rapidly and with excitement, he looked like a little kid that came back from his first day of school wanting to tell his mother everything that happened. He closed the door and walked to the couch and placed his bags there.

"What happened?"
I questioned him, he looked very excited and I'm not gonna lie I was curious

"I met this cute girl at the American Apparel store and we exchanged numbers!" He quickly unlocked his phone and showed me the number on his contact list.

"Seriously? What's her name? Tell me everything that happened"
I sounded just as excited as he was, Taehyung is finally making a move and actually looking for a relationship now.

"Sit down" he placed his hand on my shoulder and forced me to sit down on the couch, he sat next to me and he couldn't take that smile off his face.

"I was trying to find a sweater that was around my size because all of them were too small or too big on me. So I mistaken the girl for an employee, I started asking her if they had a smaller size and stuff so then she-"
He began giggling and his cheeks were getting red
"Ah, you should've seen her she looked so beautiful"

The corners of my mouth curved to a smile as Taehyung was telling me everything. Thank god he arrived home, he's actually distracting me from the small struggle I was having earlier.

"When she had told me that she didn't work there I apologized like an idiot, really" he scratched the back of his neck and smiled at the ground
"I don't even know how we started having a conversation, it just happened"

"Someone's in love" I said teasingly, he simply just chuckled at what I said and nodded

"Yeah maybe, her name is Marlen. She's really nice, I bought her coffee and chatted for a while"

"Wait at what time were you even up?"

"Since 6:34 in the morning why?"

"I thought you were still sleeping your room" he laughed and shook his head no.

"But yeah, I really like her but I should get to know her more before I start going crazy about her"
He took his mouth mask off and placed it on his lap.

"You should invite her over sometime" I suggested, her name made me think of a really good friend from my old elementary school, her name was also Marlen. We meet in the first grade, I've never seen her ever since we graduated.

"Oh I almost forgot, she's half Korean. Isn't that cool?" Taehyung said as he took the clothes from the bags.

"Did she speak to you in Korean?"

"Sadly no, she can't speak it very much. We only spoke in English"

I'm starting to think he's actually talking about my Marlen, my Marlen was actually half Korean too.
I slipped my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.


Three more hours of sunlight and hello gorgeous moon. I also need to change my lock and home screen, I have Taehyung as my lock screen and Jin from the I need u era.
I'll do it later.
I got up and pulled my pants up a bit, they were starting to slip.

"Are you going somewhere?" Taehyung asked as he looked over at me.

"I just want to go for a walk that's it"

"Ah, do you have your inhaler with you?"

He sighed and took one out of his pocket and placed it on my hand. How the hell did he get another?

"I bought two more just incase, you really need to keep an inhaler with you Alyssa"

"Alright, I'm sorry"
I bowed in a 90 degree angle which made him smile, Tae gave me the house key when I left. I walked around the park that was close by my favorite Café, children's laughers were heard all over the park. I sat at a bench that was facing the small playground, I placed my earbuds on and listened to Rain sound by B.A.P. The song itself is pretty sad, the music video is strange. I didn't really like the music video but the song is really catchy. I smiled when Zelo's part came on, his little fetus voice sounds adorable. Zelo changed a lot, his voice got deeper, and now he's breaking girls' hearts by revealing his abs in their previous MV 'Young wild and free' that came out a while ago.
I stayed at the park enjoying the fresh air that blew gently on my face until 7 o'clock. It gets really dark quickly, so I tried not to stay longer.

I got up from the bench and placed my hands the pockets of my sweater to keep my hands warm. It was getting cold and the moon was beginning to rise.
The park was completely empty and it looked creepy. I placed my hoodie on and began walking home. The scent of a strong cologne that seemed too familiar got my attention immediately. I took an earbud off and slowly continued walking, this time I felt footsteps behind me. I began to speed walk and I felt the footsteps growing louder and closer.
Should I run? Or scream?
No, that'll cause attention
But what if they're trying to kill me or something.
My heart began beating quickly and I decided to start speed walking.
I felt someone getting closer and closer to me. Shit I should just run

I was about to begin running when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back

"Let go of m-"
Oh god

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