6 to go

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"She passed away?!" Both Taehyung and Yoongi said together making me startle

"Apparently Aly's mom had diabetes so I was only told that something was wrong and she passed away"

"But how'd she die?!" Namjoon raised his eyebrows

"I don't know how diabetes works!! They never told me"

"Just great, the poor girl just lost her memory and now her mother dies?!" Yoongi placed his hands on his face as he sighed angrily "How the hell are we supposed to tell her that her mother just died?"

"We won't"

"Jin we can't just lie to her, she'll get her memory back and ask where her mom is" Namjoon crossed his arms

"Then what the hell do we do then?"

Yoongi sighed and ran his hand through his hair then placed his hands on his hips "We'll come up with something It's late and i need to sleep"

"But it's 8pm hyung..." Taehyung muttered

"I said i need sleep" with that he walked out of the room and left. I'm not surprised

"We'll think about this in the morning hyung" Namjoon said under a sigh

-time skip-

*Alyssa's Pov*

"So I'm a Junior?" Hoseok nodded, Jimin was sitting on his lap since the couch we were sitting on was pretty small. The Jungkook guy was sitting to my left, he hardly spoke he just kept his head facing down as he heard us talk. I saw Yoongi and the rest of the guys walk out of the kitchen

"Sleep kids" I heard Yoongi say as he made his way upstairs.

"You guys head to bed I'll watch tv until I fall asleep" Everyone stood up and headed to their dorm but me, I think i slept too much at the hospital.

Before I could grab the remote I felt someone's presence coming down the stairs.

"Pst" I saw Jimin approach me with a smile and his hands in his pockets.

"Go to bed, aren't you tired?" I changed the channel several times to look for something that can get my interest.

"I'm honestly not even tired" he sat next to me and scratched the back of his neck.
"You got me too worried and i can't sleep now"

"I'm sorry.."

He placed his arm on my right shoulder and leaned on me slightly.

"It's not your fault, now stop blaming yourself"

"It just doesn't make sense"

"What doesn't?"

"From what you guys told me, you've met me for a small period of time and yet you guys take care of me so much"

"Well, we all got very close to you and somehow you felt like a little sister to us. Some of us..And when Hoseok Hyung made you move in with us it was kinda weird at first but you needed someone to look after you, to make sure that you're okay every second. Namjoon also agreed for you to live with us for a while since Natalie couldn't take care of you because of her games but we bonded a lot with you throughout this small time which felt like years to us"

It looks like I got very close to them, they care so much. He even takes me as if I was his little sister.

My lips curved to a smile as he spoke, every word hit me right in my heart. It may not seem very touching but for me every word was to me.

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