____ moves in

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It's been a month since I haven't heard from them. No texts from Jungkook or Jimin. No new Bangtan bombs.

Natalie wanted to come over so she's laying on my bed scrolling through some Instagram posts on her phone. You're probably wondering about my mom. Well she had to go to Florida to do a job that would pay her a shit load of money. So she was willing to take the job and left me here alone like always. Not sure when she's coming back but I hope soon.

I was sweating buckets, summer isn't really my favorite season. I have to shave my legs every day, it's too hot and I can't wear too much black clothing when I'm out or the sun will pretty much boil me.
I was just laying on the wooden floor trying to cool off. Natalie in the other hand wasn't even sweating at all.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket and checked the time
It's still early but yet I have nothing to do.
I heard a notification sound coming out of Natalie's phone

"ALY" she yelled across the room which made me jump a little

"What woman"

She pulled me towards her and made me sit down in the bed. It was a live stream from Bangtan but it was in Korean but I can kinda understand.
They were all in a lined up horizontally facing the camera. Jungkook of course was in the middle. They were all dressed very nicely, Jungkook and Tae were both wearing snapbacks and Hoseok was the only one with a beanie, his little ears look adorable when he wears snapbacks or beanies. His little ears stick out and makes him look cute.
they bowed and began explaining how they're staying here in LA a little longer because of a few problems that were occurring.

"We're really sorry army" Hoseok said in English and did a small aegyo and smiled warmly.
"Also we will be living here in this lovely city for about 4 months, so we won't be back in Korea until then. Sorry army *pouts* But! We will be updating you all through the V app and Twitter" Namjoon said in English.

"Also we will be doing a few vlogs during our vacation here in Los Angeles" Yoongi finished off in Korean.
It was really nice hearing their voices one more time. I missed it even if I only met them once.
After they explained everything Hoseok finished off screaming "Army Saranghae!!"
Ah idiot he's so adorable.

"You should text Jungkook and see how the boys are going"

"Don't you think I should wait for him to text me or something?"

"Call him"

"I'll just wait for a while and then I'll call him or something besides they don't know I'm an army and if I told them that I watched them on the V app. It'll make me seem suspicious to them or something "

She gave me a small glare and sighed
"Alright fine can we buy smoothies now"
I really don't want to walk

"If I do will that make you shut up?"

"Yes ma'am"

"But you get to pay"


"Let's roll"

I grabbed her wrist and walked out of the house.
We walked 3  blocks and finally arrived at the store. We were sitting down on one of the tables close to the window waiting for our drinks. The AC was on and I was beginning to get small goosebumps on my arms and legs. I was in a black tang top and my old basket ball shorts, I used to play basket ball last year but I stopped because some bitch hurt my arm really bad during a game.

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