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*Hoseok Pov*

Alyssa is deep asleep in her new room now, Jimin texted me a few minutes ago that he'll be home later since he took Natalie to the mall.
Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin hyung had to leave because the manager needed to speak with them. I stayed home with the two idiots (Jungkook and Taehyung).

I grabbed a bowl of pretzels and sat on the living room couch, I scrolled through our Twitter and liked some of our fans comments. They're so adorable, they always comment 'I love you' or 'stay healthy and get lots of sleep', they're comments make me happy when I'm having a rough day. I'll probably post a selca later.

I head someone running downstairs and then heard a loud bump. It's probably Tae
"AH JUNGKOOK" The maknae was laughing uncontrollably.
Told you
I looked to my left and saw Taehyung laying faced down on the floor while groaning in pain.

"Shut the hell up, Alyssa is sleeping you idiots" I said in our native language rapidly
Taehyung was still groaning, Jungkook came downstairs and gave me a small bow "sorry Hyung we were playing a game"
he only had his boxers on, he's always half naked around the house.
"Maknae put some clothes, Aly could wake up and see you like this"

He looked down at himself
"Oh shit"
He helped Taehyung stand on his feet and quickly ran to his room.

*Alyssa's Pov*

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and liking people's posts, Hoseok checked on me earlier so I faked my sleep. I just didn't want them to talk to me right now, ever since Yoongi woke me up a huge headache hit me.
I heard someone fall from the stairs, it's probably Namjoon since he's clumsy and stuff.

I decided to get my lazy ass up and go get some food, not downstairs to their kitchen. I'll probably go and buy some pizza or something for everyone.
I grabbed the black sweater that Jungkook gave me and slipped my socks on.
I tied my hair back into a bun and slowly turned on the door knob. I didn't want anyone asking me where I was going and stuff so I tried to keep quiet.
I carefully exited out of my room and closed the door. As soon as I was turning to my left someone's shoulder hit my nose.

"Hey!!" I covered my nose with my left hand and pressed my right hand on the wall to keep my balance even.
I didn't even bother seeing who bumped into me, my nose hurt like hell.

"A-ah, Alyssa! I'm sorry I didn't see you are you okay?" Jungkook said rapidly as if he was rapping, he placed his hand on my cheek and made me face him.
"Did I hit you really bad?"

I groaned in pain and nodded slowly, I felt as if water was running down my nose, ah.. I'm bleeding.
"I think so"
I looked a below his collarbone and...
He wasn't wearing a shirt or pants.
My cheeks felt warm and I slowly turned away.
"I'm so sorry" he didn't seem to notice. he looked at my nose and
had a shocked look on his face. He just stood there, frozen.
Thanks for helping

"I'll take care of it"
I began walking down the hall to the stairs while pressing my nose with my thumb and my index finger.
"Put some clothes on idiot"
I yelled as I was walking down stairs.
He ran to his room and shut the door.
I carefully walked to the living room until I bumped into someone again.

"Alyssa! What happened??!"
Hoseok almost yelled at me. He placed his bowl of pretzels on the couch and began looking for the napkins.
"Ah, just a small bloody nose that's it" I said as he grabbed about 2 or 3 pieces of napkins.

"I'll do it" he said as he folded the napkins and I let go of my nose. He slowly placed the napkin against my nose and took a small alcohol wipe from the self that was right next to us.

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