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"Jeon fucking Jungkook.."

What the hell is she doing here?? I thought she was coming next week

"Who's she?!"

"Shut up you'll wake her up, she's just a friend"

"It doesn't seem like that to me" she got up and glared at me with an angry look on her face

"Home sweet ho- oh you.." Hoseok paused and gave her a small glare, my hyungs don't like her at all ever since I started dating her. They always tell me that she's not worth it, but now I'm starting to think that she actually isn't worth it now. She's three years older than me, we've been friends since I freshman year but she can be a bitch at times.

" yes me now go away I need to talk to him" she scoffed and rolled her eyes at Hoseok

"When and how the hell did you even get here?" Namjoon Hyung walked in as he placed some of our bags on the floor.

"I got here like half an hour ago, and You all still have that stupid habit of leaving keys under the door mat"

"And you still have that stupid habit of coming in our goddamn house when we specifically told you that we don't fucking like you...Well other than Jungkook" Yoongi Hyung finished off as he walked in the house.

She sighed and rolled her eyes once again. She's really pissing me off, disrespecting my hyungs like that.

"Let me just go lay her in her room and we'll talk things out, now calm down, man"

"She lives here?!?"

"Yes now shut up" Yoongi Hyung scoffed
i walked upstairs to Aly's room and turned the door knob slowly.
I walked in and placed her in her bed carefully making sure she doesn't wake up. I pulled her blanket up to her chest and made sure she was comfortable.
She still had my sweater on which made a smile appear on my face.
I placed her belongings by the small table that's beside her bed and headed back to the living room.

"Guys can you please go upstairs" I said almost muttering


"Upstairs please hyungs!"
They all got their bags and headed upstairs. I sighed and crossed my arms as I stood in front of her angrily.

"Can you please start off by telling me who the fuck is that girl and why did you call me here for? I missed a party that I was waiting f-"

I cut her off

"That girl the one you just saw me with is Alyssa, she's just a damn friend okay? And I called you here because we need to talk about us"

"What do you mean us? Everything is going completely fine between us!"

"No, everything is not completely fine, now stop pretending for once yeah? I know you slept with Dohyun and don't fucking say that you didn't. I know you slept with him"

"Dohyun? You mean Mianah's bother? He's just a friend of mine that's it."

"Hmm..I didn't know friends could sleep with each other, did I miss out on that?"

"Who told you this bullshit? Do you not trust me?"

"I do but you passed the line, you slept with your best friend's boyfriend."

"I did not! Even if I did you weren't around for a long time and I needed pleas-"

"Pleasure? Is that fucking it? That's all you wanted from me?!"

"Well, all boyfriends have to give it to their girlfriends sooner or la-"

"Shut up, you've been cheating on me for two months, you slept with some asshole and you're saying this is my fault now?!?"

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