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As I was about open the door knob and I suddenly I felt someone covering my mouth and pulling me in a room.
My heart started racing and elbowed the person in the stomach.
"H-hey! Stop stop its me"
Jimin said as he let go of me and rubbed where I had hit him
"you really didn't have to do that, ah.."

"Well if you didn't cover my mouth and take me in a room of would've been a different

"I thought you would've got scared and screamed if I just approached you"

"I'm sorry , did I hit you that bad?" I walked towards him and placed my hand on his stomach where I had hit him

"Nah, its okay you were just defending yourself"

"Why did you pull me in the room anyway"
I looked around the room, the walls were a burgundy, which looked nice with the white curtains and had a bunk beds in the corner of the room. It wasn't decorated or anything there were two selfs with some books, makeup, cables, and a sketch pad. They also had a small black couch enough for 2 people to sit on. There were also some clothes on the floor along with shoes. I'm guessing Jungkook shares rooms with one of them here.

"I wanted to talk to you" he said he closed the door slowly after he looked out to see if anyone was coming.

"Woah woah, leave the door open" I was getting worried

"No don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything. I just want to talk to you about Natalie that's it"
He explained.

Thank god, I was about to burst out running if he did anything.

"Oh I see, what do you want to know exactly" I sat down on the couch and looked up at Jimin. He stood infront of me and rubbed his forehead a little.

"Well, I'm having feelings for her lately and I kinda want to take her out on a date"
I told you those two would get along, very well.

"Ah so you like her?"
I said teasingly

"I really do, but I want to know what type of dates does she like?"

"What  do you mean?"
He began walking around the room, back and forth running his hand through his hair

"Does she like romantic dates? Walks on the beach? Bowling? You've known her for years So help me out"

"she always talks about how she wants to have walks at night and look at the sky"

"Ah really? Perfect! I'll take her out to eat and then we can go see the stars like she wishes to"

"This is too cute, just try not to have so many moves on her"

"Why not?"

"She's really sensitive and shy, so be gentle with her? Yeah?" He started blushing for a second

"That is not what I meant Jimi-"

He laughed for a bit and shook his head

"I know what you meant I was messing"

"But seriously be good with her, when do you plan on taking her?"

"Tomorrow, is there any specific food she loves?"

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