Tale of Antisepticeye: Darkiplier

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Jack went on his phone and liked some of pewdiepie's photo's but mark wasn't active then he saw that mark just logged in Skype so Jack called him. Mark answered worried about what he told mark. "Hey Mark." Jack said with a worried voice crack in "Jack, dont worry about what I said earlier I was a tired and just played a horror game so I didn't feel myself after a massive jump scare at the end I didn't see it coming. "heh okay its been on my mind all day." jack said with a massive sigh of relief "so you alright mark said staring at the camera deeply?" Jack backed up from the screen "yeah.. I'm fine uh why?" Jack stuttered "well it's nice to ask if people are alright, isn't it...Jack?"

Mark was twitching, tilting his head on the right side of his shoulder with his eyes wide open staring right at jack in a creepy way you would have in nightmares. "Umm Mark? Are you alright?" Jack said backing up from the screen more.. "oh Jack, you don't understand, do you?" Mark's eyes filled in black and his blue hair turned back to black, "Jack, I'm fine...but your...not!" Mark was changing, his hair, his eyes the creepy personality had got to Jack.

"Mark? What do you mean 'I'm not'? What is happening?" Jack shouts while backing up much more from the screen, "Jack, I'm coming for YOU!" Mark smiled in a creepy way which made Jack cringe. The Skype call ended and Jack couldn't move he felt sick about what he just seen. He had seen his best friend turn to a monster. The monster looked like mark but in a evil way but what has it got to do with Jack? Jack started thinking about that call he couldn't stop it was a living nightmare. He knew that wasn't mark but he cant do anything Jack doesn't even understand what is going on." 

An Hour Later

Jack finished recording a reading comments video and looked on his phone, Mark had uploaded a video called 'My true self' Jack clicked on the video but took 5 minutes to decide if he really wants to see due to the thumbnail. Lots of the comments thought mark was dressed up for an upcoming sketch or it was probably a horror sketch it was jack who knew it was real until he realised a comment near the top saying 'It's darkiplier fanfiction' Jack dropped his phone his mind was running round in circles and realised mark has been possessed by darkiplier, marks enemy, Jack now knew what he meant by 'I'm coming for you' and 'your not' it was not mark...but it was darkiplier.

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